“Making sure that we are seeing each other as having strengths that we can learn from, pushing ourselves to get to know people who are different from us, and getting out of our comfort zone to be able to engage and learn from each other is what inclusion is really about.

Inclusion is knowing that everyone really does bring strength to our community and makes us collectively better. Diversity happens by nature but inclusion is something we have to work on. Inclusion is a journey that we work on together as a community” ~ Trina Cobbledick, ISKL Director of Student Services

This year’s Inclusive Schools Week theme, Unity Within Our Community truly spoke to ISKL’s ongoing commitment to embracing the diversity present in our own and each other’s identities so that all community members feel they belong and are valued and supported. In addition to activities for students, we invited both our ISKL and the wider community to join us for a special VOX ISKL panel discussion about equity and inclusion.

Our audience heard from an inspirational line-up of panelists including an ISKL parent of a neurodiverse child, two Paralympians, as well as specialists in the area of learning differences. Our panelists shared their perspectives on what inclusion looks like and feels like for them, the language and cultural sensitivities we need to be aware of when talking about race, disability, mental health, and neurodiversity, as well as how to advocate for a child with learning differences.

Aligned with our student-centered philosophy, VOX was moderated by two of our High School student leaders whose curiosity, insights, and ability to synthesize key points guided the discussion and helped deepen our understanding and learning about the diverse perspectives and identities of others.

Following the panel discussion, attendees were able to attend ISKL’s annual Inclusion Resource Fair to find out more about the student services support that ISKL has in place for our learners and to connect parents with the resources and support available in Kuala Lumpur. Again, we had a great lineup of service providers covering speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, academic, social, and executive skills support, behavioral services, mental health support, and interpretation and translation services.

Recording of the VOX panel discussion and previous VOX events are available on ISKL’s YouTube and Spotify channels.

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