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Promoting Excellence and Equity

In an article published in NASSP’s November Principal Leadership Issue, High School Principal Jeff Farrington explains how our assessment and reporting practices are designed to build student self-confidence and growth.

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Current Student

Panthers of ISKL #112: Rhea D.

– The Competitive Gymnast “ISKL’s vision: know yourself, care for all, and create a better world means understanding and trusting yourself while trusting others. By

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ES Deepavali Celebration - Oct 21 -Thumbnail
Head of School Weekly Posts

HoS News October 21, 2022

Embedded within the three Strategic Objectives that will guide us over the next four years – Social & Emotional Learning, Community & Culture, and Operational

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Head of School Weekly Posts

HoS News October 14, 2022

Cultivating passions and competencies is a key component of our Mission and it has been great to see our students engaged in such a broad

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