Panthers of ISKL #110: The IASAS Season 1 Stars

POISKL IASAS Season 1 Thumbnail

It was an unforgettable, thrilling, and fun-filled three-day event during the IASAS Season 1 of the 2022-2023 academic year. Our varsity teams from Cross Country, Soccer, and Volleyball gave their all, showing true Panther spirit, resilience and sportsmanship while strengthening incredible bonds and friendships with their peers from other IASAS schools.

Here, we catch up with our very own ISKL-IASAS athletes and find out as a team what they were most proud of, their most memorable moments, and what advice they would give to fellow athletes taking part next season.

Here are their stories:

ISKL Boys & Girls Cross Country Group Photo


Describe your most memorable moment as a team during the IASAS tournament.

The most memorable moments for our team were the race and game experiences. Cheering everyone on and pushing each other to go just a little bit further, whenever someone was sick, we would check up on them and make sure they were ok. It was also cool to examine how the other teams were and develop our team cohesion – supporting our fellow ISKL athletes at the volleyball, cheering them on, participating in the chants, and getting invested in the entire thing added so much to the experience. It was this sense of community that tied the whole thing together.

As a team, what were you most proud of?

The fact that we had improved so much in such a short time was our greatest accomplishment. We only started training in mid-August, and many of us had minimal experience. Despite this, we showed up and trained hard every week to be as strong a team as possible. The team was committed, and it showed in their improvement.

Do you have any advice for ISKL athletes taking part in IASAS Season 2?

Just take everything in. Enjoy the whole journey and give your all. It’s one of the best experiences of your high school career; you will never forget it. IASAS is the result you get once you’ve put in all of the work.


Describe your most memorable moment as a team during the IASAS tournament.

My most memorable moment as a team during the tournament was when we took our photo after the race. I remember we were all still panting, but the feeling that we all made it across the finish line was indescribable. It was incredible to see how far we’ve come from the beginning of the season when some of us didn’t have much experience running a 5k to now doing it at IASAS.

As a team, what were you most proud of?

I’m most proud of how we all did our best and connected as a team. As cheesy as it sounds, we all tried our hardest, and many of us got our personal bests. During the races, we would cheer each other on. Even when we weren’t racing, we went to try out the course and give advice to each other. I’m proud of how far we have come as a team.

Do you have any advice for ISKL athletes taking part in IASAS Season 2?

For people doing IASAS this season, I would say have fun and train hard to do your best during the tournament. The IASAS is just a culmination of all the hard work you’ve put into the sport. Another thing is don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and get to know people from the other schools. They may seem intimidating, but once you get to know them, they are actually really nice, and you can have much more fun competing with them.

ISKL Boys Soccer Group Photo


Describe your most memorable moment as a team during the IASAS tournament.

The most memorable moment of IASAS was when we won the final penalty shootout earning us our bronze medal. The tense environment broke immediately, and the feeling of joy and accomplishment is indescribable. Knowing that all the hard work we put in showed results and being able to award our coaches a medal made us so happy.

As a team, what were you most proud of?

As a team, we were proud of all the determination and grit we showcased after a very tough second day and a defeat on the last day that pushed us out of the championship game. We came back and demonstrated our teamwork, and fought tooth and nail in the final match. As seniors, we were also so thankful for how the underclassmen performed and matched our commitment and passion.

Do you have any advice for ISKL athletes taking part in IASAS Season 2?

For other athletes, we hope you keep on pushing and staying committed. Enjoy your sport and make memories with your friends and coaches. Know when to have fun and when to be serious and have fun!

ISKL Girls Soccer Group Photo


Describe your most memorable moment as a team during the IASAS tournament.

All of our players will most certainly remember the last day of the IASAS tournament for a while, as not only was one of our best games played that day, it was a day that we were all able to experience together as a team. Starting with a tie against International School Manila (ISM) after an hour of incredible fighting from our team to ending with the closing ceremony where all schools came together and celebrated the achievements of others, this day was packed with memorable events. During day 3, the team formed even closer relationships by playing volleyball in the Jungle, collectively stressing about the penalty shootout for the bronze game and eating one too many hot dogs from the food trucks! The entire day was filled with incredible memories that I will personally treasure for a long time.

As a team, what were you most proud of?

Like in any sport, there were those specific times when the team felt extremely proud, such as going to the second half against Singapore with the score being 0-0 or our last game ending in a tie against Manila. However, we were proudest of being able to learn how to play with each other in less than a month. Seeing everyone become more confident in their skills on the field and get closer with each other off the field, and in general, seeing the girls’ football team take form, brought us extreme pride.

Another aspect worth mentioning was the supportiveness of our team. Whether cheering was done from the sidelines during our games or the bleachers during the boys’ games, our voices could be heard throughout the three days of football during the IASAS tournament.

Do you have any advice for ISKL athletes taking part in IASAS Season 2?

The athletic seasons are perfect opportunities to connect with people from different grade levels that all share the same passion for a sport as you do. Build strong relationships with your teammates, as they are the ones who can support you during the entire season, and being close to your team generally makes everything more enjoyable. And never be afraid of making mistakes! The season (practices/games) is the perfect time to learn new skills, so try doing new things, and don’t let the fear of failure stop you from doing what you enjoy.

ISKL Boys Volleyball Group Photo


Describe your most memorable moment as a team during the IASAS tournament.

The most memorable moment was set 4 against Taipei. We came back from a 21-24 game – this is nearly unheard of in most volleyball games. Once a team is down, and the other team is at 24, it is almost impossible to win. But we came back and won 27-25!

After that set, the gym was electric. You could feel everything – people from almost every school cheering. Watching the game back, the announcer for the match incredibly loudly said, “FOLKS, WE HAVE PANDEMONIUM IN THE GYM!”

As a team, what were you most proud of?

Coming second, we may have been so close to getting first, but we beat four other talented schools. Throughout this season, we lost a lot. We primarily played with men’s teams and people with more experience who were better than us. So walking into IASAS with all those losses and having our first game against the defending champions was nerve-wracking – but then we beat them in 2 sets. After that game, we were all dumbfounded, but we also realized how good we were.

Do you have any advice for ISKL athletes taking part in IASAS Season 2?

Enjoy it! IASAS is an experience like no other. When people say that it will be the highlight of your high school career, they are not lying. It is one of the best experiences I have had in high school. The people you meet from other schools and the conversations you will have about sports and life are unparalleled by anything in the Theory of Knowledge (TOK). Overall, enjoy the competition, and try to stay level-headed and calm in games. But out of games, let your emotions run wild!

ISKL Girls Volleyball Group Photo


Describe your most memorable moment as a team during the IASAS tournament.

Our most memorable moment was at the International School of Bangkok’s (ISB) gym; they had TV screens that showed dancing videos where you could follow the dancer’s movements. They played music ranging from “Gangnam Style,” “This time for Africa,” “Party Rock,” and more. All of us started dancing, laughing, and enjoying the music. Even though we were frustrated with how we didn’t win as many games at IASAS, we always felt present in the moment by letting everything go and just enjoying the whole experience.

As a team, what were you most proud of?

When we come across strong opponents from IASAS and other tournaments, naturally, we assume that we would start to play as if we already know we will lose. However, when we played against them, we performed to the best of our abilities and had endless supportive energy toward each other. This resulted in us performing tremendously, which we will always take pride in.

Do you have any advice for ISKL athletes taking part in IASAS Season 2?

No matter how big or small the gap is between your team and your opponent, do not play like you are already losing. It will always feel better to give your all in every game rather than regretting how you didn’t push hard enough. Make sure you always support yourself and others, no matter what mistakes have been made. It would be best if you kept pushing yourself and others to keep playing hard until the very end.

It is mentally and physically challenging, but we promise you it will drastically change your team’s momentum!


Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always has an anecdote to tell, loves to share some insights into their passions and interests, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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