Aziz Azman Class of ’03
He says the draw of ISKL has always been about the people. He explains, “I honestly think it’s the fact that I established such close friendships. My closest friends now are my classmates from 2001.”
He says the draw of ISKL has always been about the people. He explains, “I honestly think it’s the fact that I established such close friendships. My closest friends now are my classmates from 2001.”
Their two sons, Matt and Andrew, graduated from ISKL, and Andrew, who now teaches in Vancouver, even married his Grade 9 sweetheart, Ashly Kissman. Now that’s a lovely story!
It’s her passion for dogs that is grabbing attention with Sally gaining a reputation as a leading dog trainer, especially for working dogs in urban environments. Sally was featured in this month’s edition of the Gold Coast Get It magazine.
I did it because I know out there some parents don’t have time to read to their kids. So far (there are) about 11 books available but more are coming soon. The video with the most views is ‘Tough Guys Have Feelings Too’ and the Author read out and commented on my video.
She was excited to see the new campus, purchase some ISKL Alumni merchandise, and thrilled to see some old friends, including Jit Kaur, a former teaching assistant and now Admission Technology Manager.
Dennis spent his Elementary years at the Melawati campus before moving to Vancouver, Canada. He says his time in the Accelerate Reader program at Melawati, competing with his best friends Kevin and Ariq, allowed him to gain excellent English skills quickly, noting his class was the first to “run the school” in Grade 5.
The award is named for Alan McLean, ISKL High School Mathematics and Theory of Knowledge teacher, who worked at ISKL during the 1980s and again from 2006 until his passing in September 2019.
This week we caught up with ISKL’s Technology Team; Charlotte Diller heads the department as the Director of Technology, and Hui Chun Hng, Raj Jenkin,
This week we caught up with Bas Snijder, an alumni student who graduated from ISKL in 2002. A self-described ‘Third Culture Kid’, the Dutch-Argentinian native
Mr Burniske asked us to read this before meeting on the bridge. In my view, this homework was more important than the meetup because it taught us about Mr. Burniske; the book was so special to him that he quoted it in his final days.
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