John and Shelley Smith (’96-’05)

Their two sons, Matt and Andrew, graduated from ISKL, and Andrew, who now teaches in Vancouver, even married his Grade 9 sweetheart, Ashly Kissman. Now that's a lovely story!
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Taking their annual winter vacation in Southern USA and Mexico, for a reprieve from the cold of their home base on Vancouver Island, John and Shelley Smith took the opportunity to catch up for a mini faculty reunion with other former ISKL faculty, Anson Hing, and Rob and Toni Mullen. John was ISKL’s Activities and Athletics Director and Shelley taught Middle School, from 1996 to 2005. Their two sons, Matt and Andrew, graduated from ISKL, and Andrew, who now teaches in Vancouver, even married his Grade 9 sweetheart, Ashly Kissman. Now that’s a lovely story!

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