ISKL Alumnus, Jude Fauzi (’28)

I did it because I know out there some parents don't have time to read to their kids. So far (there are) about 11 books available but more are coming soon. The video with the most views is 'Tough Guys Have Feelings Too' and the Author read out and commented on my video.
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At only 10 years of age, young ISKL Alumnus, Jude Fauzi (’28) already has his own YouTube channel which he started at the ripe old age of eight while at ISKL. Very much in keeping with the Melawati Way – to care for yourself, others, and this place – Jude’s motivation for starting the JDyourreader channel came from a desire to help others. He says, “I did it because I know out there some parents don’t have time to read to their kids. So far (there are) about 11 books available but more are coming soon. The video with the most views is ‘Tough Guys Have Feelings Too’ and the Author read out and commented on my video.” Jude wanted to reach 100 subscribers by the time he turned 10, and we’re pleased to announce that he has exceeded his target!

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