Connection, Sharing, and Positivity

Connection, Sharing, and Positivity

Connection, sharing, and positivity are all essential elements of our community here at ISKL.  We were therefore delighted to learn earlier this week at the UK’s annual International School Awards that we had won the 2021 ‘Well-being Initiative’ category. This award recognizes our amazing community for sharing their learning experiences, virtual moments, and positive stories through the Department of PAWsitivity, which was started at the beginning of the MCO last March as a way for us all to connect online. Challenging times are made so much easier when we are surrounded by positivity and we thank everyone for all that you do to make our community so caring, vibrant, and inclusive.

We were also honored to have been shortlisted for the Strategic Leadership Initiative for our Staff Talent and Culture program which supports the professional development and growth of our staff and recognizes the invaluable contribution they make to achieving our school’s success. We are indeed fortunate to be surrounded by a community that cares so deeply about our school and each other.

Speaking of connection and sharing, my thanks to our parents who joined us yesterday for the HoS optional conversation. We very much miss seeing our parents as well as students and value these opportunities to chat and listen to each other. We have more opportunities scheduled for us to connect which can be found on our In Partnership site, including two parent focus groups which are an important component of our strategic planning process detailed below.

In previous issues of Panther News, we’ve talked about the role our Strategic Plan plays in guiding our thinking and action and how it is not only about what we want to do and achieve as a school, but also about who we want to be, how we will lead the way, and about being THE school that can do that. As an inclusive school, our strategic planning process is grounded in research and shaped by the perspectives of our community. Ensuring the process is inclusive is a fundamental component of the plan itself  – in addition to benefiting from the ideas and knowledge shared by our diverse community, it also ensures that our Strategic Plan truly is our Strategic plan, shaped and owned by us all. Just as education is done with our students, not to them, our long term strategic planning is done with our community.

In line with this, throughout the academic year, we have been creating opportunities to listen to our students, parents, faculty, and staff. In February, we are holding a series of virtual focus groups for different sections within our wonderful community and we will shortly be inviting our parents to join us in our parent-only focus groups so we can hear your views, suggestions, and input on the future of learning at ISKL. Your contribution will have a lasting impact on our current and future students. We look forward to hearing your views, suggestions, and input on the future of learning at ISKL. Your contribution will have a lasting impact on our current and future students.

While we are excited to be thinking about the future, we also remain very much focused on the present, and have been delighted to see our students positively engaged in learning both online and on campus. Although yesterday’s announcement that the MCO would be extended until February 4 was not unexpected, we know that our Grade 1-10 families and teachers are disappointed. We promise that you will receive the biggest welcome possible when we are permitted to fully open. In the meantime, we remain committed to advancing learning, nurturing well-being, as well as staying positive and connected as a community.

In partnership,

Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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