Cyber Safety Parent Workshop

Cyber Safe Kids is a global organization that assists educators, school and parent communities to understand the challenges of living and working in the digital world and then equips them to meet these challenges.
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EXPERTS-IN-INTERNATIONAL-EDUCATION DYNAMIC-COMMUNITYRobyn Treyvaud was at ISKL on Friday, September 18, 2015 conducting parent workshops for ISKL families. The purpose of the workshop was to equip parents with knowledge, skills and resources that will help them better guide their children around cyber safety. Robyn is an educational leader and an internationally recognized expert in online safety and digital citizenship and the founder of Cyber Safe Kids. Cyber Safe Kids is a global organization that assists educators, school and parent communities to understand the challenges of living and working in the digital world and then equips them to meet these challenges. Robyn also provides advice to the media, industries and the government in Australia. She provides a balanced and evidence-based view based on her work in schools in Australia and Asia for the past decade.
Cyber Safety Parent Workshop

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