Diverse Community, Diverse Workshop Program!

Read more as we explore how the cultural diversity at ISKL is a cause for celebration as well as an opportunity for parents to connect!
Different workshops organized for parents
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“We deeply believe that our success in preparing students for their future depends on how well we support them in developing 21st century skills today”.

ISKL hosts a series of parenting workshops and events throughout the calendar year that showcases a range of topical and fundamental areas of education and well-being with an eye on the future. They are aimed at supporting and strengthening the partnership and commitment of students with educators and parents.


Parents workshop at ISKLA Diverse Community

The cultural diversity at ISKL is a cause for celebration as well as an opportunity for parents to connect.  Multilingual parent events, presented by the EAL and Technology teams, encourages unification in an informal environment that supports ISKL’s appreciation of language development.  Interactive presentations propose useful tools and digital platforms that support multilingual learning at ISKL whether it be at Elementary, Middle or High school level. Further grade specific sessions supplement the multilingual community in order that new parents and students, receiving English as an Additional Language (EAL), are welcomed. Utilizing translation technology, all attendees can actively engage regardless of their level of English proficiency.

Parents of Elementary grade children (Grade 1-5) benefit from a series of workshops, events and conferences throughout a school year that connects them with the teaching, learning and counseling methods at ISKL. They discover our goals and strategies to improve and nurture wellness in Elementary students that supports all levels of a balanced education.

ISKL understands that adapting to teenage life and its implications on mental health is integral in future adult wellness and well-being. A variety of workshops help support parents to encourage students to adopt a healthy relationship with food choices, patterns and focus on good nutritional care.  The importance of supporting your child to grow a healthy mind and body, habits that last a lifetime, which can be worrying when it goes wrong, is paramount throughout every grade level.

Transitional Workshops

The extent of movement within the ISKL community directly links to the wellness and well-being of transitional families, educators and faculty staff members whilst adapting into or departing from a city and/or country.  It is ISKL’s priority through ‘Transitional Workshops’ to establish effective structural methods of support to administer positive pathways and strategies that ensure the overall welfare of each individual community member.

Parents workshop at ISKL

High School student members and their families benefit from a specific transition-focused presentation which includes building RAFT (Reconciliation | Affirmation | Farewells | Think Destination) and discussions surrounding children leaving home, the loss felt, and the impact on wellness.

Throughout the school calendar workshops are incorporated that offer support to those families either leaving the realms of the ISKL community or those transitioning into and out of school grades and campuses.  They all aim to discuss the challenges surrounding moving on, the management of thoughts and feelings as well as strategies for a smooth transition into a new environment.

ISKL DYNAMIC COMMUNITY ISKL international mindedness

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