HoS News January 13, 2023

Rami and ES student on the first day of semester 2Welcome back to all our families, I hope you enjoyed a relaxing break, and are ready for the learning-filled semester we have planned ahead!

It has been a joy to have our students back on campus and a joy to welcome 61 new Panthers and their families to our community – we are looking forward to getting to know each of you. We hope that your first week has gone well and that ISKL is beginning to feel like home for both students and families alike. Many thanks, as always, to our amazing PTA for the support they provide to both new and returning families – they typify ISKL’s dynamic, inclusive, and welcoming community.

As we begin Semester 2, I wanted to reiterate how proud we are of the strength of the partnership we share with our parents and emphasize the importance of this two-way partnership in supporting student growth and learning. Working in collaboration is a critical component of our educational philosophy and culture and we are looking forward to connecting with parents and learning together at the many workshops, information sessions, and activities that we have planned this semester.

One of the first events of our community learning journey this year is the VOX ISKL workshop on Wednesday, January 25 when expert facilitators and educators from the Institute for Social and Emotional Learning (IFSEL), Nick Haisman-Smith and Joe Tchen, will be conducting a special workshop for parents on the importance of social and emotional learning, how it contributes to academic success, and how parents can nurture their own family’s well-being. Please see School-wide News below for more details on how to register to attend the workshop, noting that registrations close on January 19.

We have been working closely with IFSEL over the past three years and in addition to sharing their knowledge with parents, Nick and Joe will be conducting training sessions for faculty and staff groups during a four-day professional development program. Our focus on Social and Emotional Learning is a cornerstone of our school’s Strategic Plan and as educators, we are extremely excited about their visit and truly delighted to be able to offer our parent community the opportunity to be part of this wonderful learning experience.

I hope you will be able to join us for this, and the many opportunities we have planned to connect and learn. The closer we work together, the stronger our partnership and the better the outcome for both our students and community.

In partnership,

Rami Signature

Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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