HoS News September 15, 2022

ES Malaysia Day Celebration

ES Merdeka Assembly Sept 2022-ThumbnailThere was an amazing array of colors on campus today with ES students and many of our faculty and staff wearing traditional Malaysian outfits in honor of Malaysia Day. Whether we were born here or have the privilege of living here as an expatriate, it is always a joy to see the diversity of Malaysia being represented and celebrated.

Over the course of the week, we have been paying tribute to our wonderful host country with a variety of schoolwide events. The ES Assembly this morning was an absolute delight with our youngest learners dressed in traditional attire reflecting the many identities that comprise Malaysia. Our Middle School students have been learning the intricate art of making mooncakes and in HS, the Student Leadership Team DEIJ organized an inspiring assembly involving two Malaysian staff members who talked about their identities and experiences.

It is fitting that the theme for this year’s National Day (August 31) and Malaysia Day (September 16) celebrations is “Keluarga Malaysia, Teguh Bersama” which translates as “Malaysian Family: Stronger Together”. This theme of strength and togetherness as a united family speaks to our strategic objective of Community and Culture as well as to each of our values – embracing the diversity present in our own and each other’s identities (Equity & Inclusion), understanding the perspective of others (Empathy & Care), believing in their potential as well as our own (High Expectations), and the belief that when we work together we can achieve great things (Collective Efficacy).

These are also the overarching themes of our In-service Day on September 19 when our faculty and staff will be united in a day of professional development. Led by our Director of Learning Azra Pathan, our Director of Talent & Culture Ika Azwa Muzamal, and their teams, the day has been framed around our values and with learning opportunities for faculty and staff to deepen their understanding of the strategic objectives that will guide us over the next four years.

We are a learning community and the In-service day we hold each semester is so important in ensuring that, regardless of the role we fulfill here at ISKL, whether teaching, administrative, or operational, we are mission-aligned and focused on enhancing the learning experience for our students.

We hope you and your family enjoy Malaysia Day and wish you Selamat Hari Malaysia!

In partnership




Rami Madani
Head of School

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