ISKL’s Annual IB Scholarship Award Ceremony 2020

On Tuesday, September 15, The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) presented the 2020-2021 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Scholarship to two outstanding Malaysian students, Nurin A. and Yogita C.
IB Scholarship Awards
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STRONG-ACADEMIC-RESULTS INCLUSIONGLOBAL-OPPORTUNITIESOn Tuesday, September 15, The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL) presented the 2020-2021 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP) Scholarship to two outstanding Malaysian students, Nurin A. and Yogita C. The scholarship program, approved by the Ministry of Education Malaysia, has been offered since 2002. Each year, ISKL offers two Malaysian Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) leavers a scholarship to study the rigorous two-year IBDP. Since its inception, 33 scholarship recipients have graduated from ISKL and gone on to attend leading universities worldwide.

Mr. Rami Madani, ISKL’s Head of School, gave a congratulatory speech at the ceremony. He said, “We are extremely lucky and privileged to have these two exceptional students join our ISKL family. Not only do they have academic knowledge and expertise in their respective disciplines, but beyond that, they have also demonstrated their passion and dedication to service, sustainability, arts, and sports. Students who do well are those who adapt to their environment and take advantage of opportunities to improve conditions for themselves, others, and the world. We have no doubt that Nurin and Yogita will fit in perfectly here at ISKL, and continue to thrive and become successful, spirited, socially responsible global citizens.”

Both scholarship recipients expressed their excitement about joining ISKL and embarking on the world-renowned IBDP. Yogita mentioned that she is most excited about taking IB Computer Science, as that is a field that she wants to pursue in the future. Yogita said, “I chose the IB Diploma Program because I trust that it will shape me into becoming a versatile student. It is also the best program to prepare me for a stimulating and challenging university life. If I had a message to my future self when I graduate, I would say, even if you have not accomplished the goals you set for yourself, I hope you look back on this journey and realize how much you have grown as an individual. If you have accomplished your goals, well done! Either way, always continue doing what makes you happy and what feels right.”

Nurin shared, “I hope to enroll in a prestigious university, study hard, and land a job that I will genuinely love. I want to make a difference in the world someday and participate in things that have a positive impact on society. My message to my future self when I graduate would be that I look back and cherish the years as some of the best of my life and yet know that there is still so much more to come… I strongly believe that all girls deserve a right to an education, just like me. More importantly, I believe that the IB program can shape me into a more well-rounded critical thinker and reflective person.”

During the ceremony, last year’s scholarship award recipients gave some advice to their new classmates. Elayna E. said, “Jump at every opportunity you can, especially in clubs, societies, and sports. If there is one thing I learned last year, it is that the future is uncertain, so make sure you take advantage of every opportunity–involve yourself in everything! The IB program is tough, but there are so many people you can seek help from, so don’t be afraid to ask for help from any of us.”

The second scholarship award recipient, Evan L. shared his insightful thoughts on how the IB program ties in with ISKL’s Vision. He said, “Our school’s Vision talks about a harmonious environment where care follows closely behind. Whenever I’ve wanted to do something outside of the syllabus, be it a particularly challenging Physics equation or a coding project, the teachers are always willing to help and support you. However, in true IB style, they won’t just answer your questions directly–they will answer your questions with more questions and encourage you to find the answers on your own. Personally, this has really helped to push me and taught me to read between the lines. The IB program has a lot of twists and turns; you take six subjects and that is a lot, but it widens your field and teaches you skills that you would not have otherwise learned, had you gone on a straight path. That is one of the reasons why the IB program is so great–they don’t teach just teach you knowledge, they teach you skills, and that is what you will bring to university.”

Nurin previously attended SMK Sri Hartamas, and was President of the Interact Club. She is an avid lover of sports, enjoying cross country, track, and field, among others, and was Captain of her basketball, futsal, and netball team. Nurin was also recently awarded the coveted Queen’s Guide Award in Malaysia, the highest attainable award for Girl Guiding, and was part of an activist group of school children who marched to Parliament to fight against child marriage. Yogita attended SMK Aminuddin Baki and has entered many choral, public speaking, drama, essay writing, and debate competitions and tournaments. She has taken part in the Malaysian National Chemistry Quiz and received the school’s Best Exhibition Display during STEM Week. She has also volunteered at the National Zoo in Malaysia, while participating in Girl Guides and recycling in her free time. We caught up with them before they started the semester, you can see their stories here.

Applications for the IB Scholarship are based on academic record, co-curricular involvement, and commitment to community service, with shortlisted applicants undertaking an entrance exam and panel interview. The IBDP is a challenging pre-university curriculum that leads to a qualification recognized by tertiary institutions worldwide. ISKL is the longest-running IB World School in Malaysia, and since 1992, over 1,500 students have earned the Diploma with a 29-year pass rate of 97%. ISKL’s IB Scholarship program is offered annually and is open to all SPM graduates. Shortlisted candidates are interviewed by a panel comprising ISKL representatives and a representative from the Ministry of Education Malaysia.

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