PANTHERS OF ISKL #18: Nurin A. & Yogita C.- The IB Scholars


This week we catch up with Nurin A. and Yogita C., the recipients of the 2020-2021 International Baccalaureate (IB) Scholarship awarded annually to two outstanding Malaysian students.

Aside from their robust academic achievements, both Malaysian students share a wide range of passions and interests.

Nurin was President for the Interact Club at her previous school, taking part in the ‘Tak Nak Straw’/’Say No Plastic Straw’ campaign. She is an avid lover of sports enjoying Cross Country, Track, and Field, among others, and was Captain of her Basketball, Futsal, and Netball team. Nurin was also recently awarded the coveted Queen’s Guide Award in Malaysia, the highest attainable award for Girl Guiding. She is a passionate advocate of the environment and human rights issues and has even had a short story published!

Yogita participates in choral and public speaking, drama, debate, having entered many public speaking competitions and tournaments. As part of her school community service, she has volunteered at the National Zoo in Malaysia, also participating in girl guiding and recycling in her free time. Yogita has already set her sights on becoming an IT specialist when she graduates from university, hoping to make a valuable impact on her community.

We look forward to welcoming these promising young ladies to our school in August! Here are their stories:


“Growing up, my parents not only emphasized the importance of maintaining excellent academic results but also encouraged my two brothers and me to pursue our hobbies and involve ourselves in various extracurricular activities.

‘From a young age, my parents would sign me up for all kinds of classes to encourage me to become a better well-rounded person. I went for extracurricular activities such as violin, piano, taekwondo, swimming, tennis, golf, ballet, and more.

‘Although I didn’t end up sticking with every activity, it enabled me to understand what I love doing.

‘When I was nine, my family moved to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, where I had my first taste of being in an international school and loved every moment of it. Although we were there for a mere three years, I am grateful for the experience and the friendships that I maintain till today.

‘I had heard about ISKL’s vibrant environment and the fantastic support system from a couple of friends who studied here. They were raving about the excellent teaching faculty and also the tremendous school facilities.

‘I did manage to visit the school before the Movement Control Order was enforced, and indeed I was not disappointed. I do believe that ISKL is the most established International School in Malaysia that teaches the IB curriculum.

‘I have always been involved with student activities in my previous school and am planning to continue doing the same at ISKL! I believe projects or campaigns that promote giving back to society are the most fulfilling ones.

‘I look forward to joining sports teams here and participating in clubs I feel most passionate about. As a purpose-driven person, I hope to try new things, learn a lot from the people around me, and do my best to take on leadership roles.

‘Since I was young, I have also been very passionate about environmental protection. Last year, intending to share my personal views on environmental protection, I wrote a short story entitled ‘Giving Back to Our Beloved Earth, ‘ published in the book ‘Stories Of Giving’ by Yayasan Rosni Noor, 2019.

‘In my previous school, I was President of the Interact Club. I thoroughly enjoyed organizing and participating in many community service activities.

‘A few examples were ‘International Understanding Day’ to raise funds for several beneficiaries and the ‘Say No to Plastic’ campaign, where we managed to sell hundreds of metal straws and reusable tote bags designed by club members.

‘I also participated in annual free medical camps, tree planting events, a movie premiere for single mothers, and even a Star Wars Movie Premiere for orphans. Now, I am currently a member of the Rotaract Club of Bukit Kiara Sunrise.

‘I have been a Girl Guide since I was nine years old. My most outstanding achievement to date was having earned the Queen’s Guide Award, given to me by the DYMM Seri Paduka Baginda Raja Permaisuri Agong herself. It was immensely challenging, but Girl Guiding taught me nothing is impossible.


‘I hope to make my parents proud, considering all they’ve done for me. I hope to enroll in a prestigious university, study hard, and land a job that I will genuinely love doing. Moreover, I hope to make a difference in the world someday and participate in things that make a positive impact on society.

‘My message to my future self when I graduate would be that when I finish high school, I will look back and cherish the years as some of the best years of my life. And yet, know that there is still so much more to come.

‘I must remember how hard I have worked to end up with the sleepless nights studying, participating in countless activities, and all the tough challenges I have faced. I must always remember to be grateful to my parents, teachers, and friends who have played an essential role in my success – and yes, to be proud of myself!”

‘After I graduate from ISKL, the most important next step for me will be deciding which university to attend and what degree to pursue. I may follow my parent’s footsteps and continue my studies in the United States; my father graduated from Carnegie Mellon University and my mom from the University of Pennsylvania.

‘The field of economics has always fascinated me as it is logic-based, and uses data and statistics to make sense of this seemingly complicated world. I am looking forward to learning about economic theories, laws, and principles.

‘At the moment, however, I am keeping my options open and could consider pivoting and pursuing other fields of study. I hope that when the time comes, I am well-equipped and prepared.

‘The IB Diploma program ticks most of the number of boxes that I find essential. It’s a globally recognized degree that would enable me to have the best chance of getting into many of the top Universities.

‘I strongly believe that all girls deserve the right to an education, just like me! More importantly, I believe that this program can shape me into a more well-rounded critical thinker and reflective person.

‘I look forward to not just achieving academic success but also meeting new people from all over the world, learning more about different cultures, and hopefully building lifelong friendships. I’m very excited to be a part of an inclusive and diverse family like ISKL!

What does ‘Be All You Are’ mean to you?

To me, it means to live up to your fullest potential. Find things you are genuinely passionate about in life. Life is short; give it your all, and be the best version of yourself.


‘I remember watching ‘The Internship’ back in 2013 and thinking to myself that Google is the place I want to end up working at ten years from now— I still think the same. That was probably the time I decided I wanted to pursue a career in the IT industry.

‘I chose the IB Diploma program because I trust that it would be better to shape me into becoming a versatile student. It also is the best program to prepare me for a stimulating and challenging university life.

‘My hopes and dreams for the future are that I enjoy the job I do, and I’m able to contribute to the community around me. I hope that even with the booming advancement in technology and development, humanity and nature will prevail.

‘International culture, educational technology, a variety of club activities, first-class campus facilities; these were the things that came to mind when I first thought of ISKL.

‘When I first visited ISKL, I was thrilled. Not only did it exceed my expectations, but I was also met well with friendly faces and warm smiles that made me feel welcome.

‘ISKL easily became my first choice because I thought that being at ISKL would allow me to broaden my horizons, and I will be able to create myriad opportunities for myself.

‘From learning to be a holistic student to being globally conscious, I trust that ISKL will allow me to grow as an individual in the best way possible.

‘Besides achieving academic excellence, the one thing I aspire to do most here at ISKL is to be more involved in community service. I hope to be able to do my part in service-learning, such as the Habitat for Humanity or Global Action Programme development projects.

‘Growing up, my parents always regarded education as the key to life’s freedom. I used to dread waking up early on weekends to revise with my dad, especially near exam seasons.


However, over the years, it became a willing habit which led me to become an independent and ambitious person. I also have my mother to thank for my infinite love towards books and music which she instilled in me since I was young, and I hope to pursue my passion for music after graduating from ISKL.

‘I would also do my best to ensure world hunger is no longer a problem. It often baffles me to think that while I’m privileged enough to have my favorite food delivered at any time of the day, there are people out there who’d think of this as impossible.

‘If I had a message to my future self when I would graduate, I would say. ‘Even if you have not accomplished the goals you’ve set for yourself, I hope you look back on this journey and realize how much you’ve grown as an individual.

‘If you have accomplished the goals you’ve set for yourself, well done! Either way, always continue doing what makes you happy and what you feel is right.'”

What does Be All You Are mean to you?

‘Be All You Are’ to me, means accepting who I am as an individual— that includes embracing my flaws and making the best out of it. To be all that I am, I have first to put myself out there, discover different sides of me, and learn my true potential.”

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