ISKL’s IB Scores Surpass World and Asia Pacific Average

Scores are in for the International School of Kuala Lumpur's (ISKL) International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma candidates and the results have once again surpassed world and Asia Pacific averages. The ISKL pass rate was 97.9% compared to 79.3% world-wide, and 89.7% in the Asia Pacific region.
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ISKL’s IB Scores Surpass World and Asia Pacific Average

Scores are in for the International School of Kuala Lumpur’s (ISKL) International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma candidates and the results have once again surpassed world and Asia Pacific averages. The ISKL pass rate was 97.9% compared to 79.3% world-wide, and 89.7% in the Asia Pacific region.

Furthermore, ISKL students had an average score of 35 points, vs a world average of 30 and Asia Pacific average of 33. Of the 97 IB Diploma students at ISKL, 15 had scores on exams over 40 points, 16% of the IB cadre, compared to 8% worldwide with such a score.

This year, ISKL is proud to announce that Teshya Chow, from Singapore achieved the high score on the IB Diploma with an impressive 44/45, placing her among the top 1% of students worldwide who have achieved such an extraordinary result.

“The achievement of these young scholars is reflective of their focus and hard work – and the many wonderful faculty members from across the disciplines who have supported these students, providing exceptional education to each over during their time at ISKL,” said Dr. Norma Hudson, ISKL’s Head of School.

ISKL offers a “non-selective” entry into its IB program, which means that each and every student who wishes to take the full IB may do so.

“We are pleased that these students, like so many ISKL graduates, leave us and enrol in some of the finest universities globally,” said Dr Hudson. “I am personally proud both of these scores, and as importantly, the fine young men and women each have become.”

While the numbers speak well for themselves, they also tell a story of commitment, personal resilience, and engagement with a broader world. Whether in the completion of a 4000-word research paper, a 15-minute oral discussion on comparative literature, the public display of a body of artwork, or the building of an original laboratory experiment, IB students are absorbed in authentic and challenging academic work. Historical investigations, mathematical explorations, geographic fieldwork, economic commentaries, orals in world languages, theatre research – such learning cannot be done by memorizing facts and figures. It is accomplished by being inquisitive and taking intellectual risks, the hallmarks of a 21st century education.

For more information about ISKL’s IB Program, please contact our Admissions office at [email protected].

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