Laura Philippe

Alumni Laura Philippe


Name: Laura Philippe

Curriculum: Full IB diploma student

What are your plans for life after ISKL?

University, college, further education

If you are going to university which universities have you received acceptances for?

Attending: The Hotel School of The Hague (Netherlands)

Other acceptances:

  • Erasmus University Rotterdam (Netherlands)
  • IESEG School of Management (France)
  • EDHEC Business School (France) ESCP (France)
  • KEDGE Business School (France)
  • Vatel Hospitality School (France)
  • Oxford Brookes University (UK)

What are you looking forward to most?

Learning about hospitality.

What will you miss most about ISKL?

How ISKL is so international.

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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