Moving On Ceremonies Celebrate Students in Grade 5 and Grade 8

Moving On Ceremonies are a time-honored tradition to recognize the contribution ISKL students have made to their division and to mark the next step in their learning journey!
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As ISKL’s academic year came to an end this week, the recognition of our learners continued with Moving On Ceremonies for students in Grade 5 and Grade 8 who will be joining Middle and High School respectively in August 2022.

Moving On Ceremonies are a time-honored tradition to recognize the contribution ISKL students have made to their division and to mark the next step in their learning journey. Rising from one division to another is an important rite of passage, and with it comes new responsibilities and new opportunities.

This was the theme of ISKL’s Head of School, Rami Madani, in his addresses to the Class of 2026 and 2029. Thanking students for the contribution they have made to their division, Rami encouraged them to continue to make the most of all ISKL has to offer, “You have a very exciting time ahead of you next year – you will become even more independent, take on new responsibilities, and explore passions and interests. We know you will continue to do your best, and make the most of every opportunity as you shape your path. A path that will empower you to make a difference for yourself, for others, and the world around you.”

Class of 2029: Moving on from Elementary to Middle School

ISKL Grade 5 Moving on Ceremony Event

Special message to the Class of 2029 from Julie Olson, Principal Elementary School:

Students, as you move on to Middle School, I want to tell you how proud we are of your accomplishments. Two words come to mind:  Joyful perseverance.  Whether on the screen or in person, you keep learning with joy and passion.  It is a pleasure to see your curiosity; to watch you discover, ask questions, and take action.  Thank you for your joyful perseverance.  You are determined.  You are curious.  You are passionate.  Perhaps most important: you are kind.  Keep these attributes with you always.  They will bolster you in Middle School, High School, and throughout life. Always remember the Melawati Way which is reflected in ISKL’s new Vision, Know yourself, care for all, and create a better world.  I am confident that you will continue to do this with joyful perseverance.

Class of 2026: Moving on from Middle to High School

ISKL Grade 8 Moving on Ceremony Event

Special message to the Class of 2026 from Peter Casey, Principal Middle School:

Today is a special day for all of us. Completing Middle school is a right of passage at ISKL, and this grade had perhaps the most challenging experience of any Moving-On class in previous years. Your ability to persevere through these challenges will be referred to today and time and time again in the years to come, however, you did not do this alone. Your teachers, parents, and the entire ISKL community have been supporting you on this journey and so they are also sharing in this achievement with you today. Congratulations Class of 2026!

We wish all our students a wonderful year ahead and look forward to the contributions they will make to Middle and High School!

ICYMI – our Grade 12 students also reach an important milestone in their school lives – graduation! Check out the highlights from our Graduation Ceremony on June 3, 2022 which saw 153 Grade 12 students recognized for their accomplishments as they become the newest members of our alumni! Read out the full story here!



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