New Head of School Announcement

The Head of School global search was led by the Board's Head of School Search Task Force and assisted by Carney Sandoe & Associates, an established educational search firm with a global reach to find the best talent...
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Norma and Rami

It is with great pleasure that the ISKL Board announces the appointment of Mr. Rami Madani as our next Head of School. Rami will transition from his current role as Director of Learning at ISKL to the Head of School position effective August 1, 2019. His appointment marks the end of a global search that began shortly after Dr. Norma Hudson announced her retirement earlier this year.

ISKL Board Chair, Kelly O’Hale says “after an extensive search, and interview process incorporating input from all our stakeholders, the Board was unanimous in its decision to appoint Rami as our next Head of School. His international perspective, expertise in educational leadership, and unique understanding of our school is exactly what we need to build on our success and to lead ISKL into an exciting future”.

These sentiments were echoed by Dr. Hudson, “I am absolutely delighted that Rami has been appointed; he is the embodiment of ISKL’s values, global outlook, and growth mindset. I am so proud of all that ISKL has achieved and Rami has been an integral part of that success. I am excited by his ability to lead our school and shape a dynamic future and I will be working closely with him to ensure a seamless transition”.

Rami brings to the role 22 years of experience in international schools in Asia, Africa, and Europe. In recent years, he has provided customized educational consulting to numerous schools across the region that have provided support in governance, leadership, strategic planning, and improvements in student learning. Rami joined ISKL from Ecole Mondiale, Mumbai, India where he served as Head of Secondary School. He has been a teacher and a leader at ISKL since 2009.

The Head of School global search was led by the Board’s Head of School Search Task Force and assisted by Carney Sandoe & Associates, an established educational search firm with a global reach to find the best talent.



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