Panthers of ISKL #128: Stanley Govindarajoo

POISKL 2022-2023 - Stanley Govindarajoo - Thumbnail

– The Fitness Trainer

My passion is always centered around a healthy lifestyle and being actively immersed in sports. Knowing my passion well, I am always up for sharing my knowledge and expertise, and sometimes, I even learn from the students.”

Born and raised here in Ampang, Stanley is ISKL’s weight room supervisor and trainer. Stanley used to be a professional soccer player representing Malaysia and has worked in the sports industry as a soccer instructor, bodybuilding, and personal trainer for several years.

Here is Stanley’s story:

POISKL 128-Stanley G- Profile

Tell us more about yourself.

I was born and bred in Ampang and would best describe myself as highly energetic.

Before joining ISKL, I actively immersed myself in the sports industry and held many positions, mainly as a soccer instructor, bodybuilding, and personal trainer.

When and why did you join ISKL?

With my knowledge and experience in sports as an athlete and instructor and my years of experience, I joined ISKL with excitement and vision to share my passion and expertise with the students so they may have the chance to build healthy lifestyles.

Best memory (or most memorable moment) so far working at ISKL?

One moment was when students I have connected with (who since have graduated from ISKL) reached out to me personally on their fitness journey and shared how my guidance and knowledge on weight training, nutrition plans, and training schedules have helped them.

Seeing them evolve, physically and mentally, inspired me to continue sharing my knowledge and experience with students even more.

Please tell us more about your position as Weight Room Supervisor. What are your daily activities?

I see myself as a trainer, where my goal is to ensure that students have the best training plan to help maintain their healthy lifestyle or even excel at the highest level in the sports they play. This includes educating them about muscles, the best way to gain the most out of the gym equipment, and, most importantly, the spirit of sportsmanship.

Please tell us something you are working on now that you are excited about.

Learning happens no matter the age, and I am even more excited when students at a young age are actively learning. This year, I am allowed to work with Middle School (MS) students, and this is my first time being assigned to such an honorable project. This project educates Middle Schoolers about workout techniques, safety, and how we get the most out of our body anatomy. Learning these tips at a young age will contribute to parts of their success in life and gives us the responsibility to take on this project. I will do my best to deliver this at the highest level possible.

Can you tell us more about your hobbies and interests? What do you do after work?

POISKL-128-Stanley-Playing Football

I play soccer professionally, and my first stint as a national soccer athlete was in 2000. I continued to represent my country in this sport for many years, and at one point, I was a full-time professional soccer athlete. I continue to gauge my interest in this sport by playing soccer on the weekends and joining tournaments whenever possible.

Aside from soccer, I also enjoy bodybuilding. Maintaining a sound physique boosts my confidence physically and mentally, and I feel healthier and more robust. It helps me start my day very positively every day.

Who or what inspires you?

Being in ISKL and having such a positively impactful community inspires me to be the best version of myself.

What does ‘”Know yourself, care for all and create a better world”‘ mean to you?

My passion is always centered around a healthy lifestyle and being actively immersed in sports. Knowing my passion well, I am always up for sharing my knowledge and expertise, and sometimes, I even learn from the students. I know that the students will replicate the same or even a healthier environment in their capacity and as future leaders.


Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always have an anecdote to tell, love to share some insights into their passions and interest, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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