Panthers of ISKL #141: Hannah B. – The Dance Captain

POISKL - Hannah B Profile Picture

“Constantly reflect on your identity by understanding the values that make you who you are. Once you have understood that part of yourself, you can support others and learn lessons from them. Together you can create an environment inside a community where one isn’t afraid to express themselves in any way, shape, or form.”

We caught up with Hannah B. (‘23), who was born in KL but then moved to Jakarta and Bangkok before returning to Malaysia and joining ISKL in Grade 10. Hannah was selected as Dance Captain in Grade 11 and has been part of the IASAS Dance troupe for the last three years. She has also worked as an intern in the Advancement Department in the summer of 2022 and plans to study Psychology after graduation!

Here is Hannah’s story:



Do tell us more about yourself.

Hannah B. Profile PictureI was born in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I went to kindergarten here, but in 2010, I moved to Jakarta, Indonesia, where I spent almost two years attending a British international school. I then moved back to KL and went to a private school from Standard 1 to half of Standard 4.

As for my second move out of Malaysia, in 2014, I left for Bangkok, Thailand, and was there for six years where I went to the International School Bangkok (ISB), an IASAS school. I completed Elementary School and Middle School, and went through my first year of High School in Bangkok. Due to my father’s work, we moved back to Malaysia, and I am currently in my third and final year at ISKL.

You’ve had some experience working as an intern in ISKL’s Advancement department – can you tell us more about that?

I was able to be an intern at the ISKL’s Advancement Office in the summer before I entered 12th grade, where I was assigned as a copywriter for ISKL’s social media pages.

To ease into the internship, I created short captions for posts and visuals to accompany Canva. I made captions on book reviews and different holidays. I then worked through the list of nominees for the “Panthers of ISKL,” where I wrote up questions specialized to each nominee based on what they would be sharing.

After doing these smaller tasks, I created posts for the Alumni Nostalgia Campaign, which was made for alums to take a trip down memory lane as they remember their student days in ISKL. I reviewed the previous yearbooks to find topics I could write about, such as International Day and physical education classes.

By the end of the internship, I saw how my words could impact and resonate with the audience as I took them through a journey. The words I write hold the power I may not be able to speak out loud.

Do you participate in any co-curricular activities (CCA) at ISKL?

Currently, I participate in the Circle of Alliance for Refugee (CARE) club, Gardening club, Lux Anima, and IASAS Dance.

What are your plans for after you graduate from ISKL?

I plan to pursue Psychology as my undergraduate field of study at university.

Can you tell us more about your other hobbies and interests?

One of my most significant hobbies is dance, and I have been greatly involved in a few of the programs here at ISKL. I was able to join dance clubs like Lux Anima and have had the opportunity of being a part of the IASAS Dance team for three years!

I only really started dancing in 5th grade when my mother signed me up for a dance class at ISB; it has become one of my passions in life that I am dedicated to. I have tried various dance genres, such as contemporary, jazz, street, and hip-hop.

Do you have any thoughts on your career pathway?

I had thought of becoming a copywriter in the corporate world because, alongside dancing, I love writing. This is another reason why the internship was so valuable to me. It gave me a first-hand experience of what copywriters do.

Who or what inspires you or has influenced you?

My mother, Elinna Bahrin, has been one of the most inspiring figures in my life. She is a dedicated, creative, and beautiful person who has helped me become who I am today. She was the one who had pushed me to sign up for a dance activity after school in 5th grade, and without her, I never would have found this side of me that is so passionate about dance. My mother is also one of my most prominent supporters. If I had a string orchestra performance, dance recital, or any school activity, I would always find her in the crowd cheering me on.

POISKL Hannah B. & family

Most memorable moment at ISKL?

A defining moment for me in ISKL was when I was selected to be one of the captains in 11th grade. Being a dance leader meant that I needed to guide the dancers through learning choreography and incite intrinsic motivation. Due to lockdowns, the motivation for all the dancers needed to be higher. Thus, this situation forced me to step up and hold myself accountable to the label of a captain.

Once allowed back on campus, I encouraged the team to join me in short practices before classes started. These informal practices helped us get back into the flow of dancing, and was the process of building group chemistry, ultimately one of the biggest goals I wanted to accomplish. I learned that an effective leader must keep everyone engaged through challenges. This opportunity has brought me a better version of myself.

Hannah participated in the IASAS Dance

What does “Know yourself, care for all and create a better world” mean to you?

This statement means you constantly reflect on your identity by understanding the values that make you who you are. Once you have understood that part of yourself, you can support others and learn lessons from them. Together you can create an environment inside a community where one isn’t afraid to express themselves in any way, shape, or form.

Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always have an anecdote to tell, love to share some insights into their passions and interest, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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