Panthers of ISKL #168: Tejas O. (‘24) – The Thespian

POISKL - Tejas O.

“I remember the first time during IASAS Drama when we performed in front of the visiting school. When the cast bowed, the audience erupted into applause; it was one of the loudest and most energetic crowds I have ever seen and have had the pleasure of entertaining. I’ll never forget that moment.”

Meet Tejas O. (’24), a Grade 12 student and Lifer and the Vice-President of the ISKL Thespian Society. When not pursuing theatre, he enjoys dabbling in film and has been taking part in taekwondo for about ten years.

Here is Tejas’s story:


Tell us more about yourself.

I am an Australian-Canadian citizen, and I was born and raised in Malaysia. I am deeply interested in film and theatre and love being on a stage or in front/behind the camera.

Which grade did you join ISKL?

I joined ISKL in Prep Senior, so I have been here for 12 years; my Senior year is my thirteenth.

Do you participate in any other co-curricular activities at ISKL? Please describe them.

I am currently the Vice President of the Thespian Society here at ISKL. We pursue our love for theatre by spreading it as much as possible via performances, poetry readings, volunteering for theatre/arts-related events, and more.

Tejas-Archery photoshoot

Do you have any plans for after you graduate ISKL – what would you like to do?

I plan to move to Canada and pursue university there in the arts, marketing, or advertising. Before university, I want to work, earn money, and get some experience.

Can you tell us more about your other hobbies and interests?

I have spent around six years pursuing theatre, three years pursuing film, and I have done about ten years of taekwondo.

Do you have any thoughts on your career pathway?

My initial interest was going into the theatre and film business by acting or being in the production side of things, as this field is the most exciting and fulfilling for me. I am also very interested in the hospitality industry, as I enjoy helping people.

What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

I hope that one day I will have a job that I will genuinely enjoy and be happy in while being successful, have an amazing group of people I can call friends and family, and see or even help to build a more peaceful and tolerant world.

Who or what inspires you or has influenced you?

My father and mother are the two most influential people in my life; they help drive me to be my best, do what I love, and ensure I stay on track.


Most memorable moment at ISKL?

I have many memorable moments, but the most memorable one was during the IASAS drama; it was the first time I had done a proper IASAS drama where people could watch these shows live from our school and other schools. I remember the first time we performed in front of the visiting school, and when the cast bowed, the audience erupted into applause; it was some of the loudest and most energetic crowds I have ever seen, and I have had the pleasure of entertaining. I’ll never forget that moment.

Tejas during IASAS Culcon

What does “Know yourself, care for all, and create a better world” “mean to you?

If I know myself, it will help me to be successful and happy and live life to its fullest. Caring for all is a given; everyone should deserve respect and decency. Creating a better world is the number one goal and job for my generation; though we may not have messed the world up, it is still our home, so we are responsible for at least trying to make it just a little better for those around us and those who come after.


Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always have an anecdote to tell, love to share some insights into their passions and interest, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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