Panthers of ISKL #180: Norzuki Mohd Zain – The Security Guard

POISKL - Norzuki Mohd Zain

“Every time, the community members reply or praise me with kind words it makes my day. I feel so proud to be here and enjoy every moment of my time here at ISKL.”

Norzuki Mohd Zain is a member of the security guard team and has worked at ISKL since 2022. Originally from Kuala Terengganu, Norzuki is well-known in the community for his cheerful and friendly demeanor, always remembering people’s names and greeting everyone he comes across. In his free time, Norzuki enjoys working out in the Gym and reading in English to improve his language knowledge.

Here is Norzuki’s story:


Tell us more about yourself.

I was born near Port Dickson but grew up in Kuala Terengganu, known for its monsoon season. My childhood involved running around in the rain and fishing in restricted areas like my neighbor’s pond.

In the year 2000, I ventured into the food business and had a food truck where I arranged food deliveries and catered for small office meetings and bank events. I then successfully operated a Police cafe at PULAPOL, a Malaysian Police Training Centre in Kuala Lumpur, for four years. Then came the pilgrimage of the uninvited guest named Covid.

Everything changed, and I lost my food business and felt quite helpless. I was short of breath and almost lost my mind – the epidemic was a crazy time for me.

When and why did you join ISKL?

Fortunately, my neighbor invited me to join the security guard company where he works at just the right moment. Of course, I needed to earn more money and had worked in several jobs for a better income, and I was looking for a better working environment. That’s when I set foot in ISKL in May 2022.

I now hold a Certified Security Guard (CSG) certificate and am an officially trained security personnel.

Norzuki with his friends

Can you tell us more about your position? What are your daily activities?

Speaking of my daily activities, overall, they are listed below:

👉 Monitor and supervise all community members whenever they enter and exit the ISKL.
👉 Escort visitors or contractors who have scheduled appointments.
👉 Monitor all offices and ensure all doors are locked after operation hours.
👉 Check ID Passes to detect unauthorized visitors and avoid strangers on Campus.
👉 Ensure the safety of the community members and patrol the area periodically.

What is your most memorable moment so far at ISKL?

Every time, the community members reply and praise me with words such as “So good to see you,” “thank you so much for taking care of us.” and “how are you today?” It makes my day, and I feel proud to be part of the community – I enjoy every moment of my time here at ISKL.

Time is a precious asset to me, and I value my time and every moment and make sure I spend it with the right people.

What is the toughest part about your job?

Communication breakdown is the most unfavorable situation. When one party or both sides of participants are unable or fail to converse well in English, it may cause horrible miscommunication and direction.

Can you tell us more about your hobbies and interests? What do you do after work?

Visiting and working out at the Gym with weights over the weekend have become my weekly routine and hobby. In addition, the unique movements of Martial arts like Kick Boxing and Muay Thai are eye-catching and exciting to learn.

Norzuki at the gym

Who or what inspires you?

After experiencing the worst pandemic, I healed myself, was reborn, and have rose again to become a stronger and wiser version of myself.

What does ‘“Know yourself, care for all, and create a better world”’ mean to you?

Life is like a mirror. When you smile at the mirror, it will smile back at you. If you respect others, they will respect you back. Do not let the world or the negative side of life change and forbid us to continue smiling.

Create more friends but not enemies. High-five a stranger. Plant a tree for oxygen. Practice patience. Pick up garbage on the street. Be kind to every human being. Laugh often. Read a book. Donate money, food, and clothes, and spend time with your beloved family and friends.

When you look at the world with a beautiful gaze, the world will look back at you in the same way too.


Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always have an anecdote to tell, love to share some insights into their passions and interest, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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