Panthers Of ISKL #19 – The HS Grade 12 GLC’s featuring Francoise Chiaradia, Kondapi Aparna, And Putri Razita Rahim.


This week we caught up with the ever jovial and reliable HS Grade 12 Level Coordinators (GLC) parents, Françoise Chiaradia, Aparna Kondapi, and Putri Razita Rahim.

GLCs are the liaisons between the school authorities and parents, and often referred to as the backbone of Grade 12 parents. Get to know how this multicultural all-female team from Switzerland, India, and Malaysia take on their collective responsibilities as GLC’s.


These are their stories.

Françoise Chiaradia

Francoise and family

‘Since my older daughter started school, I have always participated in school being either a room parent, GLC or PTA member. I became a GLC in August 2018 for Grade 11.

‘There is also an emotional element of being a Grade 12 GLC as our child is a senior in their final year of High school. He or she will leave for college, and we will ‘retire’ as GLC’s.

‘Being a GLC is a lovely way of getting involved in school and staying close to your child’s school life. Some children are not too fond of that, so I have always asked my daughters’ approval.

‘As a GLC, you serve as a liaison between the school administration and the parents. The primary purpose is to communicate with parents, listen to their questions and concerns.

‘We try to answer those before passing the information to the school administration. These questions might be school-related, but sometimes they are personal questions from newcomers to the country and the school.

‘We also act as a liaison for all information coming from the Parent Teachers Association (PTA)  itself, such as events and activities.

‘The GLCs also organize two Parent coffee mornings throughout the year and coordinate monthly ‘Senior Treats’ events or special events such as the ‘100 days to Graduation’ – all to help create and strengthen relationships among grade-level parents and for the students as well.

‘We help with the Cap and Gown sizing during the senior week and collaborate with the HS administration and other school departments.

‘We also help plan for the graduation ceremony and put together gifts that are given to every graduating senior.

‘As a Grade 12 GLC and Senior mom, I would say that one of the most memorable moments was during the Senior week in October when Seniors had to try on their Cap and Gown. Graduation time was still far away, but seeing those students all dressed up was very emotional!

‘I cannot believe that time passed by so quickly and that they will wear their Cap and Gown for the ceremony, even if it is virtual.

‘After my daughter graduates, I will take more time to do things for myself. For the past 20 years or more, I have always been in a hurry and never took the time to do things slowly.

‘I will, if possible, visit my family and my two daughters, who will most probably live on each side of the globe. I will also continue doing some charity work, spend time with my friends, make new friends, and do more crafts.”

What does Be All You Are mean to you?

“To me it means, to be yourself, be genuine, with the values that your family, life, or school has passed on to you. Be trustworthy, grateful, respectful, right until the end. Never give up, give it your 100%!”

Aparna and family

Aparna Kondapi

“I come from India. Our daughter Priyanka joined ISKL when she was a Prep Senior student. She continued until Grade 2 before we moved out of KL and joined ISKL in Grade 8 when we returned to Malaysia.

‘I have been a GLC at ISKL for Grade 10 through to Grade 12. When my daughter was young, I was a ‘Home Parent’ – as that is what it was called in those days. In time I became a GLC because I have always liked being in an association tied with school, and I enjoy being part of a parent community. I appreciate the way ISKL works with parents in communication and listening to their suggestions.

‘GLCs are the liaisons between the school authorities and parents. No matter how ‘open’ the school may be, sometimes parents may not feel very comfortable to discuss these issues directly – whether they are positive or negative. It is easier for parents to do so through the GLC’s as they can approach us if they have any problems. We assist parents if they have academic issues or any individual issues, by providing them with information on who to contact.

‘There are not too many challenges in being a GLC, but sometimes parents think GLC’s have a magic wand and can persuade the school on their viewpoint! Parents must understand that their belief points may differ from the majority’s points of view, and we GLC’s need to be polite and persuade them that it is not our responsibility to interfere with school matters.

‘In my free time I love to cook, read books, and do yoga.

‘Parents need to be involved with the school community as it brings them closer to what’s happening at school, to get a feel about the school and see where you are sending your child. This is especially important for parents with children in ES and EC.

‘By getting involved in the school community and being a GLC, you will get to know many like-minded people and understand what the school’s principles are. That gives you a lot of satisfaction and confidence that you are sending your child to the right place.

‘There are so many beautiful memories, but as a GLC parent, it is a different experience altogether. You get to see a lot of your grade students who are very touched by our gestures.

‘Whenever we arranged Senior Treats, lunch events, or even when Starbucks came over to the campus – the students were very grateful. The kind of warmth that the students showed us and the appreciation given by their parents – those things matter a lot to me and provide me with a lot of joy and happiness.

‘Priyanka is my only child, and she is graduating this year, so I will miss school life. I am certainly looking forward to the beautiful things that life has to offer. After my time serving as a GLC, I probably would want to learn some new hobbies and new skills such as sewing and some art. That’s what I am looking forward to the most. I am going to miss ISKL.”

What does Be All You Are mean to you?

“Everyone’s capabilities are different, but everyone’s efforts can also be varied. You can make that change, so don’t shy away from it. Whatever task is given to you, be sure to try and do that task the best way you can. You may not get the glory, or be in the limelight, but others may succeed. Whatever you do, commit 100% of yourself to it.”


Putri Razita Rahim

“I am Malaysian and have lived in the US, Germany, South Africa, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Singapore as an expatriate. My daughter, Avantika, has been in ISKL since 2006.

‘I wanted to devote my time, love, and energy when my daughter entered Grade 12 since this was the last year of our lives in ISKL. I have been saving the best for last!

‘I had the privilege of working with two amazing moms, Françoise & Aparna. We divided our work according to our strengths. Françoise was in charge of communications, Aparna was all things money while my role was to organize and coordinate events. But of course, on activities days, all three of us would work together.

‘My words of advice for someone who wants to become a GLC is to do your own thing, and be original to keep every graduating class unique.

‘I have many good memories at ISKL. Two of my most memorable times were being the Senior class GLC and Chair of the International Fest 2018 and 2019! I’m so happy that I was able to do service for the whole ISKL community.

‘Once my daughter graduates from ISKL, I am looking forward to sleeping in! I will have more time to start focusing on expanding my business; I run an assisted senior living facility.”

What does Be All You Are mean to you?

“To me, it means, “You are not born to be mediocre.” Always innovate and never imitate!”

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  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

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    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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