Panthers Of ISKL #21 – The Incoming PTA Co-presidents featuring Taryn Franke And Kristie Seale


This week we catch up with the incoming Co-Presidents for the 2020-2021 academic year, Taryn Franke and Kristie Seale, who have recently been elected for the positions last May. 

We look forward to meeting up with them soon but in the meantime let’s get to know them better, here.

Taryn Franke

“To be perfectly honest I have always been super content being an active volunteer with the PTA but never feeling confident enough to take on a large role. I decided to challenge myself and do something that really scares me.

‘I know this role will be very rewarding and a great learning experience. I am ready to dive right in as a PTA Co-President and continue to be a part of the community that makes ISKL so amazing.

‘We are just finishing our first year at ISKL. This is our second expat assignment as we were living in Brunei before we moved to KL. Before moving abroad we lived in Houston, TX and Wyoming. I have two daughters studying at ISKL in Grade 4 and Prep Senior.

‘My best memory at ISKL was when I volunteered for the ‘Christmas Around the World’ event. Seeing the kids walk into the magical wonderland really made it all worth it. There was pure joy on their faces.

‘I am an exercise instructor with a passion for living a well balanced healthy lifestyle. I love learning about healthy eating and personal well being. I love to cook and find ways to take classic recipes and put a healthy spin on them. I am also a huge advocate for the Arts as my background is in dance.

‘I am always inspired by people who are truly authentic and living their truth. I strive to be my most authentic self and hope my children can see this.”

Taryn and family

What does ‘Be All You Are’ mean to you?

“Be All You Are” means to me that we all have special and unique qualities that make us important and are an asset to the world and our community. All of these special ‘qualities’ is what makes the world go round.”

Kristie Seale

‘Someone who has been a big inspiration in my life is my Mom who was a kindergarten teacher for 32 years. I followed in her footsteps and taught kindergarten and 1st Grade for nine years. She has taught me a lot about being a teacher and a parent.”

And as a former Elementary teacher, I know what a difference it makes to provide extra support in the lives of my kids as well as to students, parents, and teachers, and that is why I decided to become the Co-President of the PTA with my other colleague Taryn.

‘I have three kids at ISKL, who are in Grade 6, Grade 4, and Grade 2 and we have just completed our first year at ISKL. I was a Parent-School Association Committee member for three years at our previous school and also a room parent. At ISKL, I have helped as a room parent for Grade 4 and was on the Lost and Found committee.

Kristie and family

Together, I hope we can all make it a great year in our next roles as the Presidents of the PTA!

What does ‘Be All You Are’ mean to you?

“Be All You Are means doing my best and using my previous experiences as a parent and educator to be a positive influence in our community.”

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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