Panthers Of ISKL #22 – Yasseen G.- The Aspiring Football Player


This week we catch up with Grade 7 student, Yasseen A., who was Captain for the Under 13 Football team in 2019-2020. Yasseen led the team into victory at The Phuket Football Cup, an annual International Soccer 11-a-side Tournament for U13-U15 (Boys) in Phuket, Thailand. We delve into some of his other pursuits, such as acting and entrepreneurship, and find out who his favorite football team is.

Here is his story.

‘My nationality is Egyptian, and this is my fifth year at The International School of Kuala Lumpur (ISKL). I have lived in Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, and Dubai. Although I was born in Egypt, I have never lived there.

“I have been playing football my whole life since I was two years old. After joining ISKL’s football team in 5th grade, I am currently one of the 6th graders in the 7th grade football team, and eventually became captain of the Under 13 (U13) team!

Yasseen and football team

‘And I am proud that us as a team all together won first place in the Phuket Football Cup Tournament!

‘My entire family is really into football, and we are always excited to follow all the major football events such as the World Cup tournament.

‘My favorite team is Liverpool in the English Premier League, mainly because of Mohamed Salah, who is also Egyptian – he’s my favorite footballer!

‘He inspires me very much, and is a great role model. If he can be successful, then so can I. He is a global superstar and yet so humble, that is something I too aspire as I want to play football professionally.

‘The Under 13 Boys football club is an After School Activity (ASA), and I became Captain of the Under 13 (U13) team as my coach Mr. Arber, took note of my capabilities.

‘The Phuket Football Cup Tournament has 20 or so schools that compete in our division from all different countries around the world, such as Oman, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore.

Yasseen and football mates

Yasseen as Mercutio‘Our team came first in that tournament, which has never been done in history for the ISKL U13 Boys team. The previous year we had come in second, and it was fantastic to go home with the trophy.

‘Competing in the Phuket tournament last year has been the most significant football event for the whole season – it was terrific, and it was great to have the time to bond with my teammates as we had been preparing for such a long time.

‘My advice for someone who would like to join the football team is to try your best. There is a quote I go by: ‘Work hard in silence and let your success be your noise.’

‘It means you might be working hard, and you feel that no one is looking at you, or you may feel that you are not getting the recognition.

‘However, you must be patient as once your hard work is shown on the football pitch, you will finally earn the credit you are due.

‘I used to participate in track and field, swimming, and tennis, but now I mainly focus on football. I also enjoy acting, and I starred in the Middle School play – ‘The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet’, where I played the part of Mercutio.

‘My friends and I also have a clothing business called Martian Streetwear, that we work on during our Student Agency time.

‘It’s a passion that I have, and it has been an excellent experience. We sold some clothes at the Middle School party in March and at the last International Fest, where we have sold around 60 t-shirts thus far”.

What does ‘Be All You Are’ mean to you?

“To express yourself and to put yourself out there no matter what you do. In some cases, you might be putting yourself out there to do sports. Even if you might not be good at it, it is up to you to take that chance.”

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