Panthers of ISKL #4 – Aidan, Miu, and Vanessa – Rising Stars


This week we catch up with Middle School and Elementary Graders Aidan A., Miu G. and Vanessa H. – all three who, despite their young age, have accomplished much in the fields of dance and music!

Aidan is a viola player who plays for the MPYO (Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra) and AMIS (The Association for Music in International Schools).

Miu dances ballet and recently took part in a Don Quixote production outside school.

Vanessa is a multi-talented dancer who has won many competitions in both Malaysia and China.

Aidan A. – Class of 2025

Aidan POISKLAidan

Aidan is a viola player who plays for the MPYO (Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra) and AMIS (The Association for Music in International Schools).

“I started playing the viola when I was seven.

‘I initially intended to play the violin, but the teachers told me there wasn’t any space for me, and that I would have to wait for two and a half years.

‘My mum then suggested I should try playing the viola, even though I didn’t understand what instrument it was at the time!

‘I didn’t know until the last minute that I was auditioning for MYPO (Malaysian Philharmonic Youth Orchestra), whereas for AMIS (The Association for Music in International Schools), I had the audition materials approximately a year before.

‘I had to start practicing for this, and when I was ready, we started recording for auditions.

‘The audition process was quite stressful – as I would receive music scores where I wouldn’t understand some parts. But I am so happy that I managed to get in!”

What Does ‘Be All You Are’ Mean To You?

“Don’t be afraid to show your true colors because everyone is unique in their way – and with those colors, you can follow your dreams.

‘Don’t let anything stop you!”

Miu G. – Class of 2026


Miu dances ballet and recently took part in a Don Quixote production outside school.

“I have been ballet dancing since I was four years old.

‘When we moved to KL (from Johor Bahru), I tried out for the Asia Ballet Academy, and it suited me.

‘I think I have developed better ballet skills since then.

‘I am not one of the leading roles but am in the production for Don Quixote as one of the backup dancers – this is my first time in the academy.

‘I also have done some tap dancing too and recently joined the contemporary dance group called “The Dance Company” at ISKL, which is run by the ISKL Dance teacher Ms. Karen Palko.

‘In the last dance show held at ISKL, I had a solo part in the musical “Extraordinaire.”

‘I also plan to dance en pointe (performing on the tips of fully extended feet) at the next show taking place later this semester”.

What does Be All You Are Mean To You?

“It reminds me of ballet because while I am dancing, that is who I am.

‘I don’t have to think of anything else – it’s just me, the music, and dancing!”

Vanessa H. – Class of 2027

Vanessa POISKL

Vanessa is a multi-talented dancer who has won many competitions in both Malaysia and China.

‘I was the champion at the WDO World Amateur Ballroom Championship 2019 in Shanghai – winning first place among 300 others, for my age group in the Elite Girls Solo Latin Dance.

‘I also had won another championship for the Malaysia Open Dance Championship 2019, where I won the 10 and 12 years old championship for all four dances.

“For me, I love to dance the Cha Cha, Rumba, Jive, and the Samba. My mum and dad tell me that my dancing comes from them, whereas my brother used to dance hip-hop.

‘I have always admired the dancers’ clothes and what they wore, but back then, I didn’t realize how learning to dance was so much hard work!

‘I initially thought it was something I could do as a hobby, but now I take it more seriously – I understand that you need to train a lot!

What does Be All You Are Mean To You?

“To try and push yourself to do your best!”

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