Panthers Of ISKL #40 – Vincent P. – The Music Enthusiast


This week, we met up with senior student Vincent P. who received the Robert B. Gaw Citizenship (RBG) Award when he was in Grade 11, ISKL’s award for students who have ‘demonstrated exemplary citizenship and have made a positive contribution’ to the school.

Born and raised in Adelaide, South Australia, until the age of 10, Vincent has lived in Japan, Manila, and Malaysia, joining ISKL in 2017.

Vincent is an avid lover of music, taking part in the school band and choir. He also plays the flute, piano, guitar, dabbles in songwriting, as well as disc jockeying to name a few music activities!

Here is his story.

“I feel like I am a ‘jack-of-all-trades’ musician because of how much I’ve explored. I play the piano and guitar; I sing, write songs, produce, and DJ. Now that I’ve discovered what I like, I’m trying to focus my attention on developing more advanced skills in a select few of them. It’s hard to balance, but it’s exciting.

Vincent - an avid musician

‘I first got involved with music in 6th Grade, playing the flute for my school’s band. When I came to ISKL, I felt like I wanted to explore music outside of the band, so I signed up for three music classes: Rock Band, Songwriting, and Music Technology, and I joined the Boy’s Chamber Choir a year later.

‘I love the choir! It’s a great environment. I learned from the older guys when I first joined, and now it’s nice for me to see the younger guys taking part and having fun. Ms. Jaymin Baird, HS Choral Music Teacher, is fantastic. She is incredibly passionate about teaching and singing. We do performances three times a year, and we’re always proud to showcase our work.

‘My words of advice for those interested in taking part in Music programs at ISKL are to jump right in! It’s a little nerve-wracking at first, but I’ve discovered so many aspects about myself that I wouldn’t have if I didn’t take a chance. Plus, the music department is super supportive, and all the teachers and peers would love to help anyone get started. If it doesn’t work out, it’s okay to keep looking for things to do elsewhere.

Vincent and family

‘I’m in the process of applying to schools to study Computer Science, which I absolutely love. It’s a theoretical field but applicable to anything you can think of. I plan to use what I learn to explore its possibilities with music production technology – specifically software synthesizers and audio synthesis.

‘I want to become a full-time electronic musician at some point. No rush, though. I’m taking my time to develop my musicianship and my creative style. Becoming a software engineer is appealing to me, too, maybe for music technology companies like Native Instruments and iZotope, whichever one comes first, or both. That’d be pretty cool.

Vincent and friend.

‘If I was in a position of wealth or power in the future, what would I do to help society? I’d try and pursue novel and innovative solutions to problems that we face, be it economically, socially, or technologically. It’s easier said than done, though, and I respect and look up to those who actively try and make the world a better place. We can all take inspiration from these people and take action whatever way we can in our lives.”

What does “Be All You Are” mean to you?

“To me, it means growth – taking risks, accepting failure, and celebrating achievements. Eventually, you’ll look back and be amazed by how far you’ve come.”

Going Personal

  • “On winning the RBG Award last year, honestly, I was surprised when my name was announced. I had to do a double-take. I still feel incredibly honored to receive the award, and I’m happy to have contributed to the school.”

  • “My hopes and dreams for the future are to keep doing the things I love to do – that is all I can ever ask for.”

  • “There is this person called Jelani Nelson, a professor at the University of California, Berkeley who has influenced me. He’s fascinating, and I watch his lectures on computer science from time to time. I don’t understand anything he says, but still, it reminds me of all the fantastic things that are possible with technology.”

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