Panthers Of ISKL #42 – Jane C. – A True Panther


This week we met up with current parent Jane C. who has been a wonderful and supportive ‘cheerleader’ and unofficial ambassador for our school!

Originally from Perth, Western Australia this is the family’s first expatriate posting here in Malaysia. Jane, her husband Paul and children were initially supposed to be in KL for three years, however eight years later they are still here!

Their eldest son Lachie started in Grade 4 and will graduate in May next year. Ashton, their middle child, began in Grade 2 and is currently in Grade 10, while their youngest, Noah, is a ‘lifer’ so far, having started in Prep Senior and presently in Grade 8.

This is their story recounted by Jane.

“I have loved being a parent at ISKL; the vibe and energy of the school are amazing. The first time I sat in the classroom to meet our children’s teachers, I was so impressed that I wished I could turn back time and go to ISKL myself! I blame ISKL for our extended stay, as every time we consider moving or going home, we can’t drag ourselves away from this awesome school.

‘I have been involved in a mixture of roles throughout my time at ISKL. I was a room parent for a few years when my children were younger, and more recently, I chaired the committee for the annual ISKL ‘Celebrates’ Gala.

‘My words of advice for new parents who are joining ISKL would be that while it is normal to feel anxious when moving to a new school I can assure you that your children will have an experience like no other and I hope you do too. Embrace everything that the school has to offer, as there is something for everyone, even parents.

Ashton and Noah with Grand Master Tan.‘For example, my husband Paul takes advantage of ISKL’s world-class facilities by joining swim training in the morning with George Carpouzis, the Aquatics Director who is an ex-Olympian. We went skiing in Val Thorens in the French Alps with other ISKL families for our annual ski trip. I have also been fortunate enough to learn Bollywood dancing and perform live on stage with other ISKL moms and my children’s After School Activities (ASA) Ashton and Noah have received world-class taekwondo training from the renowned Grand Master Tan.

‘I would also encourage parents to go to the school galas and quiz nights when Covid is over. They are lots of fun and a great way to meet new friends. I have met many parents and faculty from all over the world and have made some dear lifelong friends. As a parent, you are happy if your children are happy – there is nothing quite like your child saying that the holidays are too long as they can’t wait to get back to school!

At a ski trip with ISKL friends

‘I have so many memorable moments at ISKL but will touch on one that speaks volumes about the culture here. We went back to Australia over the summer break, during the Movement Control Order. My boys continued with online learning, and my eldest son Lachie won a prize for a Psychology group project. His teacher and mentor, Becky Naughton, had promised the winning group a pizza as a reward. Lachie was in another country, but that did not stop Becky from delivering on her promise, literally. Becky organized the best pizza and waffle delivery to Lachie in Perth all the way from Kuala Lumpur!

Jane at a PTA event

‘I love the inclusive nature of ISKL, where differences are embraced. There doesn’t appear to be any ‘’cool’’ groups; it merely is ‘’cool’’ to be you! When I see my children and other students supporting and encouraging each other to be their authentic selves, it fills my heart with joy. I feel that ISKL provides the ideal environment for everyone to be proud of who they are. I also love the end of year clap out – nothing like a big ugly cry to start the holidays!

‘ISKL has tied us to Malaysia, as we can’t imagine a better environment for our children. The faculty’s enthusiasm is second to none, the facilities are out of this world, and the friendships we have made along the way are deep, fulfilling, and beautiful. If ever I am having a bad day, or feeling homesick I go to the ISKL campus. Just walking around, feeling the energy and seeing the smiling faces reminds me that we are giving our children an experience of a lifetime.”

What does ‘Be All You Are’ mean to you?

“To unapologetically embrace your uniqueness in all of its wonderful glory. “

Getting Personal

  • I completed a Bachelor of Science in Psychology via an Australian university, and recently extended my degree by completing a Psychology thesis, a requirement to become a registered psychologist in Australia.

  • I have been involved in spaying, neutering, and the release or adopting of stray cats. We have adopted seven street cats during our time in Malaysia, and I have promised my husband no more!

  • I am inspired by people who can back themselves up and don’t let negativity crush their dreams. These types of people inspire me to work hard to reach goals that I might have felt were unattainable or out of my reach.

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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