Panthers Of ISKL #44 – Lachlan C. – The Compassionate Carer


This week we met up with Lachlan C. (’21),  who has been part of our school for eight years!

Originally from Australia, Lachlan made the big jump from his primary school in South Perth to Malaysia in 2012. Initially, he enrolled in another school but luckily, his family switched to ISKL after four months, and Lachlan joined halfway through Grade 4.

During the Controlled Movement Control Order (CMCO), Lachlan took on the mammoth task of organizing and ordering Senior Jackets and Hoodies on his own. Furthermore, he has been sending special emails of encouragement and notes to his classmates, bringing them joy during an incredibly tough year.

Here is his story.

“Being engulfed in the ISKL culture for eight years, I always looked up to the senior class and wanted to be like them. Getting into High School, I would see them walking around with their customized Jackets and Hoodies that showed off the ISKL spirit. I have always wanted to own one of them and couldn’t wait to become a senior!

‘This academic year, I didn’t get back in person until the beginning of September due to being stuck in Australia. Once I got back, the discussion on what “merch” we would be ordering was circulating, but then Malaysia got struck with larger Covid-19 numbers, and things started to look very different. I didn’t want to let this idea die down, so I stuck my hand up to offer my help. I have experience in ordering sweatshirts and hoodies for various sports teams and was already communicating with the company ISKL uses for merchandise, making the task relatively easy.

‘Once the CMCO began, it was tough to handle everything. Although we already had designs agreed on, the big issue was paying for them since the company required a deposit upfront (which I didn’t have.)

‘After communicating with faculty members Mr. Ryan Naughton and Ms. Amber Kotcher, we deemed it possible to have the money deducted from the Panther Pay accounts. The show was back on the road!

‘As rumors were circulating that lockdown would last until the end of the year, I wanted to do even more than just handle the jackets and hoodies’ delivery. I prided myself on the things I do and wanted to show off a cool presentation for the senior class so they could appreciate the merchandise even more.

‘I then jumped onto the e-commerce platform Lazada and purchased 200 frosted zip lock bags and subsequently contacted a printing service to print out card backing for the jackets and hoodies package. It all happened so quickly, and I was so excited to get these out! Then when December 5 came around, I finally had them all in hand. It was a long stretch of hours that involved my mum and myself placing every piece into the respective packaging. It took a long time, but it was so worth it!

‘I sent out a final email to my peers, saying that the jacket and hoodies were ready for collection. So far, I have been overwhelmed with positive responses, and I’m happy I helped bring some joy during these challenging times.

‘My message to my classmates is – we got this! We are now halfway through our final year as High Schoolers, and we have overcome the toughest semester of our schooling careers. Now it’s just the home stretch. I couldn’t think of a better group to persevere through this – we all have shown our determination, perseverance, and hard work.

‘Most people in the Class of 2021 will become lifelong friends of mine. I can even see multiple individuals who will be the next big thing. From running a country to starting a business, this group is capable of it all. I’m so excited to branch off but maintain these relationships with everyone!

‘I will be heading home to Australia after I graduate and on to university. I will either be studying architecture or sports management, but that’s still a decision to be made! Luckily for me, universities in Australia are very lenient, and I don’t have to apply until the end of 2021. Hopefully, there’s a future for me in one of those professions!

‘Seeing as I am still yet to decide on my career, there are two distinct pathways that I would aspire to reach. Should I go down the path of sports management after a major in business, I will want to be heavily involved in specifically the Arena Football League (AFL) and, hopefully, work alongside top teams and players.

‘Most people know I never stop talking about the nooks and crannies in the sporting industry, consisting of crazy but trivial facts. All-day, I am engaged in various sports where I always want to be up to date, so being a part of that would be a dream come true.

‘And if I were to become an architect, I want to design and see my work around the whole of Australia. I have always been fascinated by the different buildings and architectural techniques built off my lego love as a little kid. If I do take that pathway, I plan to be a well-known name in the housing world!”

What does “Be All You Are” mean to you?

“I think the phrase “Be All You Are” carries some crucial significance for almost everyone. In our day and age, individuals will be quick to judge themselves and try to be someone they aren’t to impress other people. Be All YOU Are is significant in making individuals understand that it is enough to be yourself.

Since I moved to Malaysia, although it wasn’t this exact phrase, I followed this and didn’t want to change who I was, although my entire life had changed. People should understand that it’s okay to be different. It’s okay to be just yourself because that is what humans are – unique. Be All You Are is something I’ll follow for my entire life because I am happy to be me, and everyone can be happy by being themselves.”


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