Panthers Of ISKL #71 – Margarita Bautista

Margarita Bautista - Panthers of ISKL

The Alumni Faculty

This week we met up with Margarita Bautista, one of the Elementary School’s Grade 1 teachers who was nominated to be interviewed by Krystle Van Dijk, ISKL’s Global Event Marketing Specialist.

Margarita, who was born in the Philippines, is an ISKL alumni and has lived in Thailand, Malaysia, and Australia, before relocating back to Malaysia. 

She graduated from the University of Western Australia with a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) and a Master of Teaching (Primary). She adores all animals, loves to eat and try new F&B experiences, enjoys traveling the globe, and would love to live by the beach one day.

Here is her story. 

“I left my family and my job as Assistant Director at a child care center in Perth to relocate to Malaysia in 2016 to be with my partner and joined ISKL as a substitute teacher before joining the Grade 1 team. This will be my fifth year with the fantastic Grade 1 team, and I’m excited for another year of learning, fun, and adventure! 

Grade 1 class‘There’s that joke – a life coach, an advocate, an event planner, a cheerleader, a nurse, a parent, an artist, a mediator, a timekeeper, a comedian, a mentor, a decorator, a negotiator, an IT specialist, a zookeeper, a counselor, a detective, an engineer, a singer, an entertainer, an author, an illustrator, a librarian, a scientist, an entrepreneur, a discovery guide, a drill sergeant, a nutritionist, an actor, a reporter, a secretary, a photographer, a trip coordinator, a volunteer, a psychic, a social worker, a disciplinarian, an innovator, a custodian and a referee all walked into a bar….then, she ordered a drink. I think that’s pretty much the succinct way to encapsulate a Grade 1 teacher’s daily activities! As teachers, we get to wear so many different hats throughout each day from the moment our students walk in. 

‘The most challenging and rewarding part of teaching is understanding and meeting where all of our students are in terms of their readiness and capabilities to challenge them in their next steps. In Grade 1, you will see a vast spectrum of abilities and skills where some students go to school for the first time – some are learning their letters and numbers while some are reading entire book series and tackling mathematical operations. The social-emotional development and executive functioning skills of five to seven-year-olds are naturally wide-ranging too. Working collaboratively with our co-teachers and forging relationships with our students and their families are invaluable in supporting each student’s learning journey and wellbeing.

ISKL Colleagues‘Who inspires me? My students. My amazing team. The wonderful colleagues and administrators. The entire ISKL community! It’s a special place where the culture of care is strong, and love permeates. Within the classroom, my students consistently and continuously inspire me. It is a joy and absolute privilege to get to know each student, understand their unique learning, and see them show progress. I’m truly inspired by the way they take to new knowledge and skills, and practices. They demonstrate risk-taking, grit, and resilience in overcoming different challenges, whether academically, socially, or emotionally. 

‘As an ISKL faculty, ‘I’ll never forget the transition to our new Ampang Hilir campus, particularly that very first day of school. Although the physical infrastructure may have only been ‘half-ready,’ we approached that first day more than ready, filled with excitement and positivity in welcoming our students to our brand new space. Early that morning, well before the buses even arrived, we faced a pipe leak in one of the storerooms in our Grade 1 common area. Water was gushing out, showering all over precious books and learning materials, and flooding our carpets. It was incredible how quickly everyone, faculty, and staff, came together as problem solvers, springing into action by forming a human chain to get everything out of the splash zone. Even our former Head of School (HOS), Dr. Norma Hudson, was part of the clean-up effort!  

Reflections From Being An ISKL Alumni 

Dance‘I was an ISKL student from Grades 7-12 and some of my greatest memories were going to Malaysia Week, the Middle School (MS) adventures, being one of MS Dance teacher Karen Palko’s dancers (it’s like being in a family!), and hanging out on the senior deck at the old Ampang campus! Just being a regular teenager spending time with friends in between classes and commitments – student life was busy, bustling, exciting, invigorating, and there was never a dull moment. Truly some of the best years of my life! 

‘Working with Karen and various dance teams in MS and High School (HS) was a life-changing experience. I wasn’t always a dancer, and I’ll never forget the disappointment I felt when I didn’t get my chosen elective in MS and instead was assigned to take Dance. It turned out to be beyond fun thanks to Karen, and with her encouragement, I immersed myself into Dance and tried out for the troupe. Dance turned out to be a thread that weaved throughout my ISKL years, culminating in four years of IASAS Dance. I loved working with Karen, and being part of a team was the creative license we had to bring out the best in each other. The countless hours we spent together in the studio, backstage, on stage, in Palko’s home, traveling, practicing, and performing gave us a sense of true camaraderie, discipline, and confidence.“

What does “Be All You Are” mean to you? 

“Being all you are means embracing your authentic self and standing up for what’s good, just, and right. It’s about finding what drives you and pouring your heart and soul into it while striving to make an impact and being of service to others. 

‘Teaching and learning in a place like ISKL is an effective means of continued growth and aligns with important value systems that will hopefully allow us to leave this Earth in a better place than when we came into it.”

Do you know a student, faculty, staff, or alumni with a story to tell? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

To find out more inspiring stories of our faculty, read about Monica Tindall who is also a lifestyle blogger or our longest serving Panther, Karen Palko!


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