Suji DeHart



Suji DeHart – ISKL Alumni Teacher

Meet ISKL Former Elementary School Librarian, Suji DeHart

  • Fanatic acroyogi
  • Avid reader & storyteller
  • Creator of first web library content for the Smithsonian Institution Libraries
  • Tireless volunteer promoting literacy for children in poverty

“Life is not a game to win, it’s an adventure to be enjoyed.”

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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