Tips for Working from Home

Elementary School Tech Coordinator faculty, Steve Katz, shares some essential work-from-home hacks for the best possible remote working experience.
Tips Working From Home
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While some of us are back in the office, there are still many of us working from home for the foreseeable future.

Check out this excellent article by our very own Elementary School Technology Coordinator, Steven Katz, who shares some great ‘not-so-talked-about’ tips for working from home to keep you motivated.

Here are some great suggestions he has:

  • Shower – Begin the day feeling fresh by making an official ‘start’ to the day.
  • Don’t wear your pajamas! Wear comfy clothes instead.
  • Get a green screen – this gives a ‘consistent’ looking background when in an online call or meeting.
  • Use a separate device for personal use and another for work – this allows you to ‘switch off’ your work at the end of the day.

Steve also recommends establishing a daily routine and that learning some essential ‘hacks” is a great way to have the best possible remote working experience.

To follow Steve’s blog head on over to 

Happy reading!

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