Celebrating Some of Malaysia’s Most Beloved Animals

Let's celebrate World Animal Day by showcasing some animal species indigenous to Malaysia who, unfortunately, are also at risk of endangerment.
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Did you know that October 4 was World Animal Day? According to The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty To Animals (SPCA Selangor), World Animal Day “highlights the plight of endangered species and has evolved into a day to honor all the animals of the world!”

Let’s celebrate World Animal Day by showcasing some animal species indigenous to Malaysia who, unfortunately, are also at risk of endangerment. The top five animals are:

Malayan tiger 

This tiger is a subspecies unique to Peninsular Malaysia and may be found in Taman Negara, Endau-Rompin Forest Complex, and Belum Temenggor Forest Complex areas.

Malayan tapir

This herbivorous mammal is related to the elephant and rhinoceros species, has a short trunk and dual-colored body, and can be found in parts of Peninsula Malaysia.

Bornean Orangutan

The orangutan, which translates in Bahasa Malaysia to “man of the forest,” is gentle and highly intelligent. The Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre in Sabah offers the opportunity to see them in their natural habitat.

Asian Elephant

This mild-mannered and miniature-sized elephant species have shorter trunks, long tails, and more prominent ears than other Asian elephants and is usually found near the Kinabatangan River in Sabah.

Black Shrew

This tiny mouse-like mammal that feeds on insects can be found on Mount Kinabalu in Sabah.

Once we can travel within Malaysia again, let’s all do our bit by supporting sustainable eco-tourism. Who knows, perhaps you might be able to spot one of these beautiful creatures up close!

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