Vincent Hansson (’17)


Vincent-HansonISKL and the IB program prepared me very well for university. Since the start of autumn 2017, I have attended the Stockholm School of Economics, a well-regarded university in Europe, and I’ve felt my high school education has given me a competitive edge as compared to my classmates. Much of our university material I have either covered as part of the IB program or my teachers have mentioned it to us outside of the curriculum to enhance our learning and understanding. Taking the final IB exams in May 2017, I also felt ISKL prepared me well, with our teachers being very supportive all the way to our exams. Without such supportive teachers and such an academic community that we have at ISKL, I would never have been able to score 44 in the IB program.

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Latest update: October 26

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    On Campus Learning from October 25

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    On Campus Learning from November 8
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