We’re Coming Home!

There is a wonderful sense of optimism in the air. Since the announcement last week regarding our full reopening, more and more of our faculty and instructional staff are returning to campus to join our EC and HS faculty. Classrooms are being prepared in readiness for our reopening and there is a sense of our campus being brought fully to life. All we need now is for the rest of our students to join our youngest and oldest learners and fill our campus with their passion, enthusiasm, and learning.

Speaking of enthusiasm, thank you to our wonderful PTA for organizing our first Annual Panther Prowlathon to keep us all connected and active. If you haven’t had the chance to take a look, please visit the Panther Prowlathon site to learn more. Whether you want to walk, jog, cycle, scooter, or skate, it’s a great opportunity for us all to get off our screens and exercising safely for some great causes. 50% of the funds raised will go to organizations that our ES, MS, HS Students’ Clubs support, and the rest will go back into supporting our school. The Panther Prowlathon is taking place from March 3-10 and I am looking forward to seeing our Panthers out and about next week when I’m cycling around the area!

We are also looking forward to our online Parent Teacher Conferences (PTC) next week. A significant amount of time and energy goes into preparing for the PTCs and we are particularly grateful to our teachers who have been so flexible in bringing this important event forward and enabling us to maximize on campus learning time for our students.

My thanks also to all those who attended our divisional parent information sessions this week and to those who have completed our Strategic Planning Survey. Please click on the survey link sent by email last week if you would like to complete the survey before it closes on March 4. We are keen to hear your thoughts and ideas about our future.

As we look forward to the activities taking place next week and our reopening the week after, I wanted to say how proud I am of our community, our can-do attitude, and adaptability. This is what makes ISKL such a special and unique community.

In partnership,

Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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