HoS News August 26, 2022

Back to School Bash with Rami and AliffOur Mission statement begins with the words “We are an inclusive and dynamic community” and this was truly evident at the Back to School Bash (BTSB) last Saturday. Our dynamic and welcoming community is one of the many strengths and commitments from our past that we carry forwards with us as we focus on our 2022-2026 Strategic Objectives. BTSB was a wonderful reminder of the rich school life we enjoyed before the time of Covid and we look forward to many more opportunities to celebrate our community, culture, and unity as a school.

A very heartfelt thanks to BTSB Chair Alif Ayman and the many volunteers who put so much time, effort, and creativity into making the event such a fun experience for all – from the dunk tank to the scavenger hunt, there was something for everyone. It was great to see such a large turnout and an absolute joy to have the chance to meet so many community members – new and returning – and to hear the many wonderful comments about the event and the strength of our community spirit. 

It has also been rewarding to hear the feedback from our parents attending the Open House sessions this week. Research shows that when schools and parents partner together, students learn better and become more engaged. Open House is an important opportunity to further develop this relationship and the high parent attendance rate across all divisions was a testament to the strength of the partnership we share. Parents were able to connect with teachers, learn more about the curriculum and expectations, and get a feeling for their children’s learning experience. Importantly, we trust that parents gained a greater understanding of the culture of care in the classroom and how we support learners in developing a growth mindset.

We look forward to seeing our parents at the upcoming Open Board meeting. One of the many differentiators of ISKL is that we are a non-profit school led by a parent-governed Board of Directors elected to represent our diverse community. For those who are new to ISKL, all current parents are automatically members of the Society of ISKL and invited to attend. It is another great opportunity to become involved in our school community, learn more about how our school is governed, and hear updates from ISKL and our Board Committees. My thanks to our Board members, led by Board Chair Toshi Saito who devote their time, energy, and expertise to our school. 

A reminder that next Wednesday (August 31) is a public holiday in honor of Malaysia’s National Day and there will be no school. I wish everyone Selamat Menyambut Hari Merdeka in advance!

In partnership




Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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