HoS News May 27, 2022

It was with great joy that we shared ISKL’s new Guiding Statements and Strategic Plan with parents at our Head of School & Parents in Partnership event earlier this week. Thank you to all those who were able to join us. It was truly wonderful to be able to hold the event on campus and see so many familiar faces and meet some of our new parents in person for the first time.

As we shared at the session, our new Vision, Mission, and Values are grounded in research and best practices and represent a major milestone in ISKL’s history. That it is only the third time in our school’s history that new statements have been developed reflects their enduring nature and importance.

Here are the Guiding Statements that will take us into our future together:


Know yourself, care for all, and create a better world.

Our Vision is aspirational. It reflects our purpose as a school in preparing our students for life itself. It embodies our belief in the importance of preparing students for more than success in beyond school options of university, college, service, or internships – equally importantly, it encompasses our belief that success includes social and emotional well-being, meaningful relationships with others, enjoying happy and fulfilled careers and lives, and positively impacting the world. Our new Vision also connects deeply with The Melawati Way – Take Care of Yourself, Take Care of Others, and Take Care of This Place.


We are an inclusive and dynamic community where passions, values, and competencies are cultivated to inspire learners to shape their path as global citizens.

Our Mission is what we hold ourselves accountable to every single day and is the basis for our programs and all that we do. It highlights the importance of helping students to shape their own paths, supporting them in discovering their passions, developing their competencies, and having an ethical impact on the world. Bringing these three elements together is central to our vision of success for our students.


Our Values are central to creating a culture and guiding our beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors that support the fulfillment of our Vision and Mission:

Empathy & Care

  • We believe in understanding the perspectives and feelings of others.
  • We recognize and support the needs of the individual and our community.

Collective Efficacy

  • We believe that when we work together we can achieve great things.

Equity & Inclusion

  • We support all members of our community by providing access to what is needed to fully participate in all aspects of learning and school life.
  • We embrace the diversity present in our own and each other’s identities so that all community members feel they belong, are valued, and supported.

High Expectations

  • We believe in the potential and capacity of ourselves and others.

IPYO ConcertWe see so many examples of our Vision, Mission, and Values embodied every day at school with learning that enables students to develop their passions, and competencies, and positively impact others and the world around them. The amazing concert that took place earlier this week is a wonderful example of this, with our ISKL Philharmonic Youth Orchestra performing to a packed Robert B. Gaw Theatre.

The atmosphere was incredible as students from Grade 6-12 performed to an in-person audience for the first time in more than two years. Many parents expressed feeling very emotional about being able to be present and enjoy such a magical experience and the faculty and staff in the audience felt this too. The quality of the performances was remarkable and reflected not only the huge amount of practice and dedication by our students but also their passion for music. The performances would not have been possible without the passion of our music teachers, including Vincent Cee and Jonathan Baird, as well as those behind the scenes.  A very big thank you to all those involved for creating such a wonderful memory for us all and highlighting the very essence of our Guiding Statements in action.

In partnership




Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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