HoS News November 11, 2022

Rami during ES Flag Parade

Helping our students shape their paths as global citizens is a key component of the Mission we hold ourselves accountable for each day. As we celebrate two wonderful traditions, our Elementary International Flag parade today (November 11) and iFest tomorrow (November 12), it is a timely opportunity to reflect on the importance of global citizenship.

Regardless of whether our students head overseas or remain here in Malaysia, they will be part of an increasingly globalized and interconnected world. Inevitably, they will work in and lead, multi-generational and culturally diverse teams that are based on respect and understanding around values, beliefs, and identities rather than a shared nationality or perspective. Our focus on global citizenship plays a pivotal role in helping students develop the skills, knowledge, and understanding they will need to be successful, live ethically, and create a better world.

Shaping one’s path as a global citizen encompasses far more than being a global learner at an international school. Our school-wide approach to global citizenship is grounded in research based on UNESCO’s work and the Global Competency Matrix, and focuses on developing four key competencies:

Investigating the world – Identifying and critically researching issues to understand the interdependence and connections of global and local concerns.

Recognizing perspectives – recognizing their own perspectives and those of others with empathy and respect, and developing a sense of belonging to a common humanity with shared needs and responsibilities.

Communicating ideas – communicating with diverse audiences in a manner that demonstrates awareness of geographic, linguistic, ideological, and cultural differences.

Taking action – demonstrating personal and social responsibility in the way they care and work to improve conditions for themselves, others, and the world.

From highly visible events such as the flag parade and iFest that embody the diversity of our community to the culturally rich learning which takes place in the classroom to equip students with the skills and mindsets needed to become globally minded, we are intentional in helping students experience what it means to think, live and act as global citizens at both a personal and societal level.

We are also intentional in our support and partnership with colleagues in local schools and earlier this week (November 9), we were honored to host a visit from 10 officers from the Department of Education of the Federal Territory of Putrajaya and 10 Principals/Senior Leaders from schools in Putrajaya that implement the Dual Language Program (DLP). In partnership with the Private Education Department of the Ministry of Education, ISKL has been working with teachers from local schools since 2016 to strengthen their proficiency in teaching math and science in the English language and helping to enhance student learning by sharing best practices about inquiry-based teaching strategies. The focus of the visit was to learn more about our DLP partnership, consider the impact on teachers, and observe and learn about best practices. It was extremely rewarding to share with our visitors the difference the program has made not only for the DLP teachers, their students, and school communities but also for ISKL’s educators and community. It is a wonderful example of global citizenship in action.

In partnership




Rami Madani
Head of School

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