HoS News, September 15, 2023

Malaysia Day WishSelamat Hari Malaysia! Tomorrow we celebrate Malaysia Day (September 16) and it is an opportune time to reflect on all this wonderful country we call home has to offer.

The theme for tomorrow’s celebrations is “Tekad Perpaduan Penuhi Harapan” which translates as “The Commitment of Unity Fulfils Hope”. It is a fitting description of our community here at ISKL – united by our diversity of more than 70 nationalities and knowing this contributes to continued learning and growth and helps us positively shape the world.

It also speaks to our Vision, Know yourself, care for all, and create a better world, and our Values of Equity & Inclusion and Empathy & Care. Embracing diversity and understanding the perspectives and feelings of others helps foster a culture where all community members feel they belong, and are valued. It supports our students in becoming global citizens and helps them develop the skills, knowledge, and understanding they need to navigate our increasingly globalized and interconnected world, live ethically, and ultimately contribute to creating a better world.

It is also an opportune time to acknowledge our PTA for all they do to contribute to our school community. We are so fortunate to have such a supportive and dedicated parent body. Our thanks to all those involved in this week’s PTA Volunteer Fair and to everyone who has signed up to support the wide range of community-building events that the PTA has lined up for this year. Your time, energy, and commitment are truly appreciated. Our thanks also to the parents of our Grade 12 students who made some truly beautiful Malaysia Day themed Senior Treats this week.

A reminder that ISKL’s Board of Directors is holding its Annual General Meeting next week when, in addition to sharing reports on the performance and long-term direction of our school, there will also be the election of the board members who will represent our community for the next three years. We very much hope our parents will join us for this important event.

In the meantime, we hope that you and your family enjoy the Malaysia Day celebrations. Selamat Hari Malaysia!

In partnership,

Rami Signature

Rami Madani
Head of School

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