ISKL Hosts Virtual Senior Awards Ceremony for Outstanding Grade 12 Students

Over 100 participants joined the annual event to celebrate Grade 12 students who have demonstrated excellence, dedication, and passion at ISKL.
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โ€œThank you, Senior class, for your guidance and leadership this year and your dedication to your Senior year. I admire you, I am inspired by you, and I thank you. It is our pleasure today to present you with the awards that you work so very hard to earn this school year. We wish to recognize and appreciate the effort you have demonstrated, both academically and outside class time.โ€

Thus were the words by The International School of Kuala Lumpurโ€™s (ISKL) High School Principal Jeff Farrington, as he formally introduced the Virtual Senior Awards Ceremony to ISKLโ€™s graduating seniors.

The hour-long annual event, which occurs in the second last week of the academic year, was joined by over 100 participants. The event recognizes students who have demonstrated excellence, dedication, and passion for academics, sports, visual and performing arts, or community service.

Beginning with a charming performance of the Malaysian national anthem โ€œNegarakuโ€ by Yik Khai Yew, it was then followed by Jeffโ€™s heartfelt message to the Seniors. Reflecting on the opening ceremony held nine months ago, Jeff recalled the song โ€œThe Bonesโ€ by Maren Morris that was playing as the senior class entered in which he said,

โ€œI directed your attention to the line, โ€œWhen the bones are good, the rest donโ€™t matter,โ€ I informed you of the colloquialism, that if something has good bones, it means that it is of good quality or is well constructed. Its foundation is solid, and its structure is sound. I made the analogy that the culture we enjoy at ISKL has great bones.โ€

โ€œEven in this year, such a difficult year, or maybe because of this year, you maintain a culture of empathy and care and connectedness when we were on campus even while in masks and physically distanced, you engaged wholeheartedly and energetically in athletics and activities. Furthermore, it might have been easy to give up on service, to throw your hands in the air. But you continued to support our communityโ€™s partnerships, and you even found new ways to engage during a pandemic. You discovered a greater sense of self-directedness, you depended on resilience, perseverance, stamina, and ultimately you enjoyed greater independence. I am most surprised by the risks you took. Many would say that this is a by-product of the culture you have created, and I concur and acknowledge that you provided others with the courage to take risks.โ€

Following Jeffโ€™s speech, the award ceremony proceeded with a medley of videos from all HS departments announcing the names of the Senior Awards recipients.

Here are the recipientsโ€™ names, a description of the awards, and quotes from their teachers.

Valedictorian: Diya Nanavatiย 

ISKL Diya Nanavati

โ€œDiya shows brilliance in academics, commitment in social responsibility, care for others, excellence as a debater and a writer, strong and humble leadership in all that she does, and respect for everyone she encounters. Diyaโ€™s characterโ€™s strengths include kindness, wisdom, and fairness. She is dedicated, respectful, committed, and always gives her best.ย 

Some examples of her contributions include being the driving force behind the making of the virtual TED-Ed talks two years in a row during the MCO, organizing fun activity videos made by high school students, fundraising activities for Kids Orphanage, and actively contributed to the Chinese culture and club online and newsletter in Chinese.โ€ โ€“ย Rami Madani, Head of School


Salutatorian: Asha Octoman

ISKL Asha Octoman

โ€œAsha is an unforgettable student. She is very strong academically and has a remarkable work ethic and commitment to others. She is inclusive, thoughtful, and goes beyond to make others feel comfortable and supported. A great collaborator, team player, team leader. She is courageous and innovative.ย 

Her contributions have included being a student leader in the SEA Forensic for several years and habitat for humanity leadership, a service council member, and a couple of students from other IASAS schools started a service conference for IASAS school members. Asha has consistently dedicated her time and energy to the causes of earth club and service counsel. She has also been helping to alleviate the acute needs of the socioeconomically disadvantaged people in Kuala Lumpur during the pandemic, and that is something I personally witnessed over the years. Well done, Asha!โ€ โ€“ย Rami Madani, Head of School

About the Awards: The Valedictorian is the graduating student with the highest cumulative grade point average from 11th and 12th grades (four semesters). The Salutatorian has the second-highest cumulative average.

To be eligible for these distinctions:

  • A student must have attended ISKL for all four semesters before graduation.ย ย ย ย 
  • A student’s grade point average (GPA) is computed at the end of these four semesters and includes all courses except Teacher’s Aide.

The Robert B. Gaw 12th Citizenship Award, Senior Class, awarded to Olivia Grace Allum

ISKL Olivia Grace Allumโ€œShe is a talented athlete, who if she focuses on one, two or even three activities, would shine above all. But the problem is, she does not focus on only one, two, or three activities; she focuses on all of them. And if somebody were to say, why donโ€™t you focus on one or two and excel to a higher level, she will have to tell the people depending on her, she is not there for him, and she just does not have that in her. โ€œ โ€“ Drew Davis, HS Science / IB Physics Teacher

About the Award: The Robert B. Gaw Citizenship Award is intended for students who demonstrate exemplary citizenship and is given to one student at each grade level. The award, sponsored by the PTA, is named in honor of Robert B. Gaw, who served as Headmaster at ISKL from 1970-1978.

The criteria for the award is as follows:

  • Nominee exemplifies the international aspect of the school. He/she interacts positively with others and shows an appreciation for nationalities other than his/her own.
  • Nominee demonstrates courtesy to teachers, staff, and fellow students and shows respect for others’ rights.
  • Nominee demonstrates a positive attitude and willingness to support in-classroom and extracurricular projects and activities.
  • The nominee is gracious in dealing with success as well as disappointment.
  • A student can only win this award once.


The Hee Won Bahk ’94 Award for International Understanding awarded to Jakub Michal Golebiewski

ISKL Jakub Michal Golebiewskiโ€œJakub knows when to bring joy to people when they are feeling down, who needs to be seen, who needs to be lifted up and looking for โ€œpick-me-upโ€ in a way that brings hope to others, especially in this last year.

Itโ€™s the positive attitude and ability to bring people together that makes Jakub Golebiewski our award winner for this award. I have had the pleasure of teaching Jakub and coaching Jakub, and working with Jakub in many different clubs over the last few years. He is truly deserving of this award.โ€ โ€“ Becky Naughton, HS IB Economics and IB Psychology Teacher

About the Award: Hee Won Bahk, Class of 1994, was killed in the Highland Towers tragedy in December 1993. At the time of her death, Hee Won was the student body secretary, a member of numerous organizations (MUN, Forensics, NHS), ranked number two in her class, and was highly respected by her peers and faculty. Although the past recipients of the award have been Seniors, the Hee Won Bahk Award is not restricted to a particular grade level.

The following criteria reflect these and other outstanding attributes of Hee Won:

  • The nominee is a good representative of his/her own country, with a positive attitude toward the life and culture of others.
  • The nominee can converse in at least two languages.
  • The nominee is a contributing force in the life of the school, with the ability to bring different people together into a sense of community, thus furthering the cause of international understanding.

The Principal’s Award awarded to Vasily Malashich

ISKL Vasily Malashichโ€œVasily brings so much energy and enthusiasm to any group that he is part of with his collaborative spirit and empathetic nature, and share authenticity. In the classroom, Vasilyโ€™s teachers are quick to know how he speaks his mind and volunteers his insights. And all the while, he is respectful of others of their opinions and values.

Vasily, your peers, teachers, and the ISKL community respect you so much, and all the little things you have done because you knew it was the right thing to do, had not gone unnoticed.โ€ โ€“ Jaymin Baird, HS Choir Teacher

About the Award: This is given at the discretion of the Principal on behalf of the High School faculty in recognition of an outstanding graduating senior who meets the following criteria:ย 

The recipient must:

  • Embody the spirit of the International School of Kuala Lumpur community
  • Be a consistent and outstanding contributor and performer within the academic and co-curricular program of the school
  • Be widely respected by peers and faculty
  • Demonstrate respect for ISKL’s international character and diversity

The John G. Hadwen Award, Outstanding Senior, awarded to Asha Octomanย ย 

ISKL Asha Octomanโ€œWhenever I think of the recipient of this award and her contribution to ISKL, I think of Teddy Roosevelt, โ€œThe Man in the Arenaโ€ speech, โ€œIt is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man, woman in this case, who is actually in the arena.โ€ In the beginning of Grade 9, Asha Octoman has been in the arena, from coming to school on a Saturday for an Earthโ€™s club recycling drive to collecting data on food wastage in the cafeteria by no means of glorious task, Asha doesnโ€™t talk about her principle, she lives and breathes them.โ€ โ€“ Amy Popovich, HS Math Teacher

About the Award: This award is presented to the most outstanding graduating senior, the student who has made the most positive and dynamic overall impact on the ISKL community. Outstanding contributions can be demonstrated by the recipient in the fields of service, scholarship, sportsmanship, and character. The award winner must have spent at least the whole senior year at ISKL. Mr. Hadwen was the Canadian High Commissioner to Malaysia from 1967- 1972.

Please find the criteria related to this distinction:

  • Scholarship: At least a 6 GPA average in the senior year.
  • Leadership: Class or school officer, club or committee chairman, team captain.
  • Character: Willingness to accept responsibility, initiative, mature judgment, able to carry a project to completion, willing to take risks, and make a positive difference in the lives of others.
  • Sportsmanship: A competitive spirit in athletics, drama, music, and forensics, combined with a sense of fair play.

PTA Visual & Performing Arts awarded to Ann Nguyen Gaitherย 

ISKL Ann Nguyen Gaitherโ€œThe recipient of this yearโ€™s award is Ann Gaither, and wow, can she and did she ever do it all? She met all of the criteria of this award without question, she demonstrated outstanding creative performances as the lead in Much Ado About Everything as Beatrice, and she is the former member of the choir program.

Ann is heading up to Northeastern University next year to major in their theatre program. And although she is feeling a little intimidated to join a big university American Theatre Program, I give it a week, and everyone there will be intimidated by her, all her talents, capabilities, and passion for the Arts. Congratulations to this yearโ€™s PTA Visual and Performing Arts Award recipient, Ann Gaither.โ€ โ€“ Tina Casey, Theatre Manager / HS Theatre Teacher

About the Award: A junior or senior who demonstrates outstanding creative performance and superior ability in the arts will be the recipient.

Troy Marschang โ€˜07 Award awarded to Kayla Clark Foudy

ISKL Kayla Clark Foudyโ€œKayla might have been the first athlete that I have met here four years ago in the first season of 2017. Kayla taught us through her time of cross-country the importance of hard work. Kayla taught us through her time on the touch program that you need to go forward and die for what you want. And finally, Kayla taught us through her time of track and field that life will send you hurdles. We have all experienced that this year, but getting over obstacles with grace and being able to spring forward as Kayla does so effortlessly on the track is probably the best thing we can learn from Kayla. Kayla, it has been an honor for me to watch you compete and run these past four years. And we all wish you the best of luck in all your future endeavors.โ€ โ€“ Ryan Naughton, Director of HS Athletics & Activities

About the Award: The Troy Marschang Award is presented to the senior who participated in the most IASAS events during his/her ISKL high school career. It is dedicated to the remembrance of Troy Marschang, a 2007 graduate, who participated in 17 IASAS tournaments/conventions from 2004-2007.


Departmental Book Awards / Creative Technology awarded to Samuel Byrom

ISKL Samuel Byromย โ€œHe is extremely creative and is always looking at different ways to push the envelope. Furthermore, he is always there to help and assist others with his talents and skills. His kindness is infectious; a natural leader in Food Tech, he went beyond. He put his personal touch in every recipe he made or created. While designing, heโ€™s not afraid to research and ask questions to improve his prototypes.โ€ โ€“ Sylvain Jacques, HS French/Food Technology Teacher


Departmental Book Awards / English awarded to Esther Tan

ISKL Esther Tanโ€œEsther Tan has always been a special young lady and exceptional English student. I have been graced with her presence for three years, both in the classroom and on the diamond, where she would be our starting pitcher on IASAS this year. But it is with the depths that Esther delves into literature that she is unequaled.โ€ โ€“ Grant Venables, HS IB English Literature Teacher




Departmental Book Awards / Mathematics awarded to Hyun Seo (Harry) Lee

ISKL Hyun Seo (Harry) Leeโ€œHarry has taken full advantage of the Mathematics courses here at ISKL, completing six different courses and studying with four different teachers. In every course, he scored excellence, nothing less. It is my honor to be the one to announce Harry as this yearโ€™s Mathematics Book Award recipient. Congratulations, Hyun Seo Lee; Iโ€™ll miss you.โ€ โ€“ Seth Tyler, HS Math/IB Math HL Teacherย 



Departmental Book Awards / Performing Arts awarded to Yik Khai Yew

ISKL Yik Khai Yewโ€œWe are presenting the book โ€œIn the Spirit of Music,โ€ from the legendary bassist Victor Wooten, of Bรฉla Fleck and the Flecktones. This book is the perfect summary of Khaiโ€™s leadership and scholarship in the performing arts at ISKL. Khai has formed his own bands that perform. He has composed his own pieces for performance, and you can find them on Youtube. He has even created his own accompaniment track for his IASAS solo, which is not an easy feat.โ€ โ€“ Dan Miles, High School Music Teacher



Departmental Book Awards / Science awarded to Asha Octoman

ISKL Asha Octomanโ€œShe chose to explore this experience and describe the impact melatonin might have on the gut microbiome for the Extended Essay. In fact, I think this process might have enhanced her experience with sleep deprivation. She is a true scientist who reflects on her experiences, asks critical questions, and methodically explores explanations.โ€ โ€“ Sim Huang, HS IB HL Biology Teacher


Departmental Book Awards / Social Studies awarded to Sophia Lee

ISKL Sophia Leeโ€œHer Socratic-like style helped her run the PPE Club as it was intended to be run; as a club that seeks to generate interest in the Social Studies, through questioning, and the search for truth. Sophia Lee, thank you for your contributions to ISKL and the interest youโ€™ve helped generate in the Socials. We will sincerely miss you.โ€ โ€“ Matthew Popovich, HS Social Studies Teacher



Departmental Book Awards / Visual Art and Film awarded to Olivia Allum and Keisuke Sakamoto

โ€œOn behalf of my colleagues in the Visual Arts Department and the Film Department, today I am proud to present awards to two outstanding seniors. First for Dedication in the film arts, Olivia Allum, and for Excellence in the Visual Arts,ย  Keisuke Sakamoto. Congratulations to you both, thank you for your contributions and best of luck weโ€™ll miss you.โ€ย  โ€“ Jonathan Nelson, HS English Teacher

Departmental Book Awards


Departmental Book Awards / World Language awarded to Sean Gustini, Nur Ulfah binti Norazmi, Zuhayr Zahris Sham, Ayari Omachi, and Woo Jin Choi

โ€œIt is my pleasure to present to you the certificate award recipients for World Language. For Dedication and Passion, Sean Gustini, Nur Ulfah binti Norazmi, Zuhayr Zahris Sham, Ayari Omachi. For Excellence and Dedication, Woo Jin Choi. Congratulations to all of them.โ€ โ€“ Leandro Vernier, World History Teacher

Departmental Book Awards World Languages

Service & Sustainability / Community Partnership Awards

โ€œThe 21 individuals who deserve the special recognition are Diya Nanavati, Yik Khai Yew, Derin Kulbul, Matilde Abreu, Olivia Peters for MKO, Soo Jee Oh, Young Kyung Yun for SPCA, Geon Woo Lee for Science for Kids, Olivia Singh, and Alexandra Phillips for Earth Club, Asha Octoman and Rou Szen Lim for Earth Club and Service Council, Eunji Ee for Key Club and Service Council, Hugh Coyle, Dayoon Kang, and Sophia Lee for Service Council. Ho Lee and Jiun Chen Kerk for Amnesty International Malaysia, Darrick Cheah for Gardening Club, and Olivia Allum and Megan Lim for RARE. Congratulations and very well done to those seniors and for all of you for having kept your clubs together and leading them throughout this highly challenging year to make a difference.โ€ โ€“ Kumashiro-Wilms, High School Service and Sustainability Coordinator

About the Award: This award recognizes students whose determined activism in connecting with an established ISKL community partner significantly empowers both the ISKL team and its partner community. These exemplary student leaders investigate need; promote dialogue to consider action; advocate for all voices to weigh in; and, form meaningful bonds with both the ISKL team and the partner community. Reliable and proactive, these leaders are caring advocates who ensure each member of the community partnership team is valued. Outstanding leaders are bold in sparking action and courageous in regular reflection, aiming to guide the journey to be safely challenging and undeniably inclusive of all members of the team.

Service & Sustainability Community Partnership Awards-1Service & Sustainability Community Partnership Awards-2


IASAS Scholar Awards

โ€œYour 2021 IASAS Scholars in alphabetical order are the following: Thian Amarasekera, Coby Baker, Thomas Bogacz, Hugh Coyle, Jose De Luna, Kayla Foudy, Ananya Gahalaut, Jakub Golebiewski, Jackson Graham, Lisa Jesudas, Shuang Shuang Li, Elayna Emery, Diya Nanavati, Jasmine Ng, Nur Norazmi, Anika Prakasen, Aditya Sagar, Keisuke Sakamoto, Hina Singh, and Yik Khai Yew. Congratulations, your 2021 IASAS Scholars!โ€ โ€“ Ryan Naughton, Director of HS Athletics & Activities

About the Award: This Award is presented to students in Grades 9-12 who have participated in at least two IASAS tournaments or conventions, have maintained a performance descriptor average of 6 for the year, and who have displayed exemplary behavior.

2021 Senior Awards Posters

Scott Smith โ€˜76 Award

โ€œThe Scott Smith Award is decided on by varsity coaches. Obviously this year, we are unable to have a real athletic schedule. But, we asked our coaches to give us their ideal, what-if scenarios. Which one of your student-athletes has the possibility of winning this award? If all the chips fell in their favor. Because this was such a โ€˜what if, what couldโ€™ve beenโ€™ year, we decided to name a group of nominees for this award this year.

First up, Kayla Foudy. Kayla would have earned a roster spot on 12 IASAS teams during her last year. Four years cross country, four years touch, four years track and field. Sheโ€™s a dominant, excellent competitor who quietly leads, and is a positive role model for younger students.

The next nominee is Coby Baker, one of the best rugby players ISKL has ever had under Coach Allum, and maybe even ever. Would have earned four all-tournament selections for rugby, โ€œNobody does that!โ€ these coaches say. He is also an excellent leader who leads from the front and is also kind to his teammates.

The next nominee, Ada Eubanks. She always plays with heart, is an amazing athlete, she has care for others, and is a natural leader. Sheโ€™s a three-sport athlete who brings intensity to every practice. She has the determination and desire to improve and to be a force on all of her teams.

Next nominee, Ethan Mangelsdorf. One of the best basketball and baseball players in the school for the past four years, is a two-sport four-year IASAS team leader, with a sincere passion to improve. His positive attitude extends way beyond the court into so many aspects of his life for him and his teammates.

Jasmine Ng is the next nominee. Sheโ€™s a top touch player, she represented Malaysia in the world cup, and sheโ€™s a dedicated cross country runner, and track and field athlete.

The next nominee, Olivia Allum. Possibly the best athlete in the school, three sports, and an IASAS dancer delegate, on the fast pitch, soccer, and touch-field sheโ€™s a leader full of dignity, full of talent, and never disappoints her coaches or her teammates.

Next nominee, Hugh Coyle. He has consistently been the hardest worker on the basketball and volleyball team for the past few years. Heโ€™s a fantastic leader and role model for his teammates. He is genuinely kind and respectful. He, as the coaches say, is the definition of this award.

The next nominee is Ayari Omachi. Sheโ€™s the most natural and most talented soccer player in the school, a strong team member, and a fast learner on the touch squad.

Thian Amarasekera, a three-sport athlete who gave it his all on the pitch or on the track at all times. Heโ€™s a leader on the soccer and rugby fields and on the track, heโ€™s always positive during practices and an integral part of his team.

The next nominee is Esther Tan. Esther was the ace of the fast pitch team and a dedicated cross country team member. Her work ethic, second to none, and sheโ€™s a dedicated leader.

The next nominee is Keisuke Sakamoto. Keisuke is a three-sport athlete and a top competitor. He excels in the volleyball court and is the setter and team leader, but would have played all the way around this year as attack as well.

The last nominee is Yasmine McKibbin. Yasmine is a valuable member of the touch team and a track and field record holder. With her work ethic and her determination, the track and field record books and this award, might have had her name written all over it. Congratulations to the Scott Smith Nominees!โ€ โ€“ Ryan Naughton, Director of HS Athletics & Activities

About the Award: This award is presented to the outstanding female and male athlete of the year. The award is named after Scott Smith, an outstanding student-athlete who was killed in an automobile accident in 1980.

Scott Smith โ€˜76 Award

Lifer Awards

โ€œLifer Award is presented to students who have attended the International School of Kuala Lumpur for all 12 continuous years, from Grade 1 to Grade 12. In addition to their longevity, these students have enriched the ISKL community through their academic accomplishments, participation in the Arts, community service, athletics, and student government. Ariz, Coby, Samuel, Hugh, Abby, Kayla, Ann, Na Kyung, Shuang Shuang, Francesca, Diya, Asha, Olivia, Vong. Congratulations, Lifers!โ€ย  โ€“ Jeff Farrington, HS Principal

About the Award: The lifer award is presented to students for having attended the International School of Kuala Lumpur for all continuous 12 years from Grade 1 to Grade 12. ISKL Lifers are students who have attended the International School of Kuala Lumpur all 12 years of their Elementary, Middle, and High School education. This degree of longevity is unusual in an international school so the ISKL Lifer Award celebrates this unique relationship between the student, the family, and ISKL. This recognition is in appreciation of their long term contribution to our school community.

Congrats again to all the recipients of the Senior Awards 2020-2021. We are immensely proud of all your achievements and wish you all the success in your future endeavors!

Here’s the full video recap from the livestream which featured all HS faculty members announcing and awarding the recipients.

2021 Lifer Awards

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