ISKL In Partnership with our Community

Working in partnership is one of our guiding principles at ISKL and we had three wonderful examples this week that truly embodied the way our community works in partnership to support our students, school, and community – the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Tuesday, the support of volunteers at our Vaccination Centre which opened on Wednesday, and our High School Parent-Teacher Conferences on Thursday and Friday.

My thanks to all those who joined us for the AGM and to our Board Chair, Toshi Saito, and Board members for their presentations and ongoing commitment to our school. Our Board of Directors comprises parent volunteers who are elected by parents. They serve our community with passion and dedication and share the goal of ensuring we provide the best possible education and learning environment for our students. We thank them for all they do.

We also thank our parent and staff volunteers who have played such an important role in the operation of our Vaccination Centre! On average, we have around 25 ISKL volunteers each day who help us with screening and registration. In the spirit of true community partnership, they are joined each day by volunteers from schools in the area. So far, in addition to ISKL students, we have vaccinated students from over 15 different schools including Fairview, Garden, Sayfol, Setapak Premier School, and Taylor’s International Schools. With an anticipated 18,000 vaccinations to be administered at the Centre over the next five weeks, there are many more to come and it is a wonderful opportunity to partner with neighboring schools in the fight against COVID-19 and to showcase our community spirit and school!

In line with our philosophy of inclusion, our Centre is equipped to administer vaccines to students in our district who require special care. This is such an important service to provide and we are so happy that we are able to do this.

While the capacity of our Centre allows for 1,000 vaccinations to be administered daily, currently, around 650 students are being vaccinated each day and the size and scale of the operational aspects of running the Centre are quite staggering. I want to recognize the outstanding work of the many teams required to make something like this possible – Risk Management, Health Services, Public & Government Relations, Central Administration, Facilities, Technology, Security, and Advancement. A great number of people have worked many long hours and we are so grateful to them. If you haven’t had the chance to do so, I encourage you to click here and watch the video taken on the opening day!

It was great to see so many parents attending the online High School Parent Teachers Conferences (PTC) this week. We believe that the learning journey of our students is a shared responsibility and our PTCs provide an important opportunity to meet your child/ren’s teachers, learn more about how your child/ren are learning and progressing, and strengthen the school-family partnership. Our Elementary and Middle School divisions are looking forward to their PTCs later this month.

Once again, we look forward to welcoming students in Grade 11-12 and our Life-Centered Education Program back to campus on Monday, October 4.

In partnership




Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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