Panthers of ISKL #117: Georgia L.


– The Forward-Thinking Panther

By knowing yourself, you can excel in pretty much anything you do. It takes the right mindset to achieve great things in life!”

Self-proclaimed third-culture kid, Georgia, has been at ISKL since 8th grade and will graduate this academic year. Georgia is active in sports, playing basketball, and touch rugby, and is co-captain of the girls’ soccer team. She also enjoys connecting with her creative side and likes to challenge herself to ‘think out of the box.’

Here is Georgia’s story:

What are your extracurricular hobbies and interests?

I love sports, specifically basketball, which I have been playing since 3rd grade and loved from the start, and I also enjoy playing soccer and touch rugby.

Besides sports, I enjoy baking and doing things more on the creative side — for example, painting, drawing, and any activities that involve me thinking outside the box.

What are your future hopes and dreams as well as thoughts on your career pathway?

My hopes and dreams are to build a life for myself and my family that I am proud of, alongside reaching my full potential.

I would love to pursue business after college, starting from the bottom and working myself up to the big leagues. Or even start my own business, as this has been a lifelong dream of mine. Besides these massive goals, I would also like to be happy and make sure I am maintaining a lifestyle where I can thrive with the people surrounding me.

POISKL Georgia L. Collage

Who or what inspires and influences you?

My brother has influenced me greatly because he has set a pathway I respect and aspire to emulate. His hard-working attributes are traits I admire, and I, too, can strive to be the best version of myself in and outside school.

POISKL Georgia L. with her friendsWhat is your most memorable moment at ISKL?

When people ask me about my most memorable moments at ISKL, I always take it back to sports!

As ISKL students, we often overlook the fantastic opportunities to travel around Asia and participate in sports events like IASAS. My basketball trip to Hanoi, Vietnam, was my most memorable trip because I was able to play the sport I love with teammates that I adored! My best friends and I had the freedom to explore the city while also being able to play together during the basketball tournament. To sum it up in two words, that trip was extraordinary and unforgettable.

Can you tell us more about the photo memories you shared here?

These images have captured moments in my life where I either felt inspired or where I was with inspiring people. The album includes photos of me and my brother, my best friend Rebecca, and many other good friends who have helped shape my experience here at ISKL.

The high-resolution image of my friend Rebecca and me highlight a point in my life where I became more successful in getting modeling gigs. In other words, it was a point in my life where I gained a lot of confidence, and external opportunities helped me to become a more well-rounded person. Other photos also show moments where I was able to gain experiences that I thought I would never have.

I chose to present a photo of me and my brother Jackson, a ISKL alumni. He holds attributes I admire and want to embody as a student and athlete; Jackson is passionate, diligent, and hardworking. These three attributes are important to me because of the rigorous IB curriculum I face daily. As we grew up, he set the tone and pathway for me because I wanted to succeed just like him. Though we are two very different people, we shared our passion for initiative throughout childhood. He has been and will continue to be a vital part of my life in terms of growth.

What made you want to start a photo memory album?

I wanted to start a photo memory album to document the moments in my life where I felt the proudest and to record significant moments that I wanted to share with the world.

What does the ISKL vision: know yourself, care for all, and create a better world mean to you?

This phrase translates to being the best version of yourself. You can present to the world and be a person others can turn to as a leader and be aware of your responsibilities as a global citizen. By knowing yourself, you can excel in pretty much anything you do. It takes the right mindset to achieve great things in life!

Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always have an anecdote to tell, love to share some insights into their passions and interest, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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