Panthers of ISKL #122: Tommy P. – The Conversationalist


“I’ve had many memorable moments, and picking just one is hard. Every day we have something new, and I always look forward to spending time with my friends at school. That’s why every day is my most memorable moment!”

Italian-born HS student Tommy has been in ISKL since he joined 5th grade in 2018. Aside from participating in co-curricular activities such as swimming and volleyball, he participates in the orchestra and jazz club.

Here is Tommy’s story:

Can you tell us more about yourself?

I’m from Italy, and I spent my first five years there. I have lived in Indonesia for five years; this is my 5th year at ISKL and Malaysia. I came to Malaysia in 2018 for 5th grade.

Do you participate in any co-curricular activities at ISKL?

I have been doing many sports like swimming and volleyball. I am also part of the orchestra and jazz club.

POISKL-Tommy-P-Participation in sports

Can you tell us more about your other hobbies and interests?

I’m a person who likes to do a lot of things. I play sports, I play two instruments, and in general, I enjoy school. I like spending time with my friends and family and am very talkative.


Any plans for after you graduate ISKL – what would you like to do?

After I graduate, whether at ISKL or some other place, I would like to go to university and will try and figure more out from there.

Do you have any thoughts on your career pathway?

I want to go into something STEM related since I enjoy classes like math and science. As of now, I’m thinking about engineering, but I still need to decide ultimately.

What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

I haven’t thought about this much. I hope to graduate with a good score, go to university and get a good job. I have yet to think about this in-depth, though.

Who or what inspires you or has influenced you?

My parents are an excellent guide through school and my life overall, so they are the ones that influence and inspire me the most.


Describe your memorable moment at ISKL.

I’ve had many memorable moments, and picking just one is hard. Every day we have something new, and I always look forward to spending time with my friends at school. That’s why every day is my most memorable moment!

What does “Know yourself, care for all and create a better world” mean to you?

First, you must know yourself since it all starts with one person. To me, it simply shows the purpose of the ISKL community.

Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always has an anecdote to tell, loves to share some insights into their passions and interests, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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