Panthers of ISKL #146: Wan Ameerul A. R. (‘23)

Wan Ameerul portrait


“Knowing yourself is the greatest gift in life. It can empower you to care for people beyond your realm. You can effectively create a better world for your community and future generations.”

We caught up with Wan Ameerul A.R.(’23), an IB Scholar who joined ISKL in 2021. Ameerul is part of the Gardening Club and is spearheading a project to transform the school’s rooftop into a “Green” space for everyone.

Here is Ameerul’s story: 


POISKL Wan Ameerul

Do tell us more about yourself.

I’m a Senior at ISKL but I’ve only been here since my Junior year! Before I came to ISKL, I was enrolled in a public school in Perlis, where I did my SPM. I was born in Perlis but spent my early childhood in Perth, Australia, until Grade 2.

You joined ISKL as an IB scholar in 2021 during the pandemic. Can you describe what your first days were like?

Naturally, I was pretty nervous during my first days – it was online, which lightened the stress I anticipated, and I got to meet my new peers and converse with them before we met physically. I met a few great people that I connected with instantly, which helped me immensely through the transition period.

We understand you have a passion for gardening – can you tell us more about that?

Yes! Back in Perlis, I used to have a yard where I would experiment by planting various plants such as watermelons and sunflowers – everything, really! Mostly I did this out of boredom being locked away in my house with the constraints of the pandemic. However, I quickly recognized that I had a newfound passion – my dad would give me tips when he brought me to his orchard, and I also researched online. It wasn’t easy, but it was rewarding.

At ISKL, I joined the Gardening Club and am now spearheading a project to transform the rooftop into a “Green” space for everyone.

Do you participate in any co-curricular activities (CCA) at ISKL?

Yes, I participate in several different things – for example, I-Fest and Earth Fest.

What are your plans for after you graduate from ISKL?

I’m not planning to take a gap year and am awaiting most of my university acceptances. After graduating, I plan on resting and recovering from the extended high school marathon.

Can you tell us more about your other hobbies and interests?

I used to be interested in Astronomy and Astrophysics, and I even joined a 5-day camp for it in the Planetarium! As you can tell, I am a big sci-fi nerd.

Do you have any thoughts on your career pathway?

As of now, I’m still trying to figure it out. However, in the future, I will most likely become a researcher or an entrepreneur.

What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

I would love to be successful – to me, this means being able to give back to those who have supported me.

Who or what inspires you or has influenced you?

My mom inspires me. She has always swayed from the traditional path, and I have followed her. This includes joining ISKL under the IBDP Scholarship; she has always encouraged my dreams and passions, allowing me to thrive without the pressure of “traditional” parenting.

IBDP Scholarship Recipient Ameerul

Most memorable moment at ISKL?

My most memorable moment at ISKL was returning to physical school. When I finally met people I had only ever interacted with through a screen barrier, I instantly felt connected, and a sense of belonging resonated within me.

I was surprised as I was thrown into a frenzy of interactions. However, I knew that these friendships would last a lifetime.

What does “Know yourself, care for all and create a better world” mean to you?

Knowing yourself is the greatest gift in life. It can empower you to care for people beyond your realm. You can effectively create a better world for your community and future generations.


Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always have an anecdote to tell, love to share some insights into their passions and interest, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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