Panthers of ISKL #155: Hilda Alposilva – The Public Relations Pro

Panthers of ISKL Hilda Alposilva

“My personal life experiences have been the most significant source of inspiration for my personal growth and development. I have learned a lot from my challenges and struggles and continue to strive to be a better version of myself.”

Hilda Alposilva has been a valued member of the ISKL community for 34 years, holding various positions over the years, and has been the Director of Public and Government Relations since 2016. She has numerous responsibilities, such as ensuring the school follows local regulations, coordinating the Dual Language Program, and managing the High School scholarship programs. In her free time, Hilda enjoys spending time with her family, trying various Indian cuisines, and is an active member of the Malayalee community.

Here is Hilda’s story:

Tell us more about yourself.

Panthers of ISKL-Hilda AlposilvaI was born in Pahang and moved to Kuala Lumpur at the age of six, where I spent my formative years.

Growing up, I was the youngest of six siblings in my family. Today, I am a proud mother of two children and am a doting grandmother to my one-year-old grandson.

Apart from my family, I have a passion for community activities and relish trying different kinds of Indian ethnic cuisine, catching up with friends, and meeting new people.

Regarding my professional background, I began my career as a junior secretary at a secretarial and printing company in KL. I worked for almost six years before joining ISKL Middle School (MS) in 1989. Since then, I have moved into various departments and held different positions, serving in my current role since 2016.

When and why did you join ISKL?

I’ve been a part of the ISKL community since 1989. During my first job, I did some work for ISKL, which allowed me to meet people and get a feel for the community. I also had a few close friends already working at ISKL who spoke highly about the environment. Their praise prompted me to apply for a position at ISKL, and I am grateful to Pat Victor and Susan Rahim for giving me the opportunity. Once I joined, I knew there was no turning back!

Please describe your job role and daily activities.

As the Director of Public and Government Relations for ISKL, my main focus is to ensure that the school complies with all local regulations. I work closely with various departments to ensure that we adhere to all relevant laws and regulations while cultivating positive relationships with government agencies.

In addition, I oversee the High School (HS) Scholarship program in collaboration with the Admissions, Advancement, and HS administrators. This program allows deserving Malaysian students to access education and is an integral part of our commitment to the community.

My job also involves coordinating the Dual Language Program, a collaborative initiative between ISKL, the local school teachers, and the Minister of Education. This program serves as a testament to ISKL’s community-centric approach.

Dual Language Program (DLP) at ISKL

Furthermore, I collaborate with the Head of School (HOS), Risk Management, Human Resources, Advancement, and Admissions departments to communicate important messages about campus operations to our community. This involves organizing and facilitating stakeholder engagement events in partnership with the HOS and Advancement department.

My role demands an understanding of the regulatory landscape and the ability to navigate complex issues while fostering positive relationships with stakeholders. I am dedicated to ensuring that ISKL maintains compliance with all regulations while building and nurturing positive relationships with the government and other stakeholders.

Please tell us about a project you are working on right now.

In addition to my regular daily work, I am happy to be involved in an exciting and fun project with the Staff Association. We aim to organize an exciting event for the faculty and staff, highlighting one of Malaysia’s many cultural celebrations. Specifically, we will showcase a vibrant Hari Raya celebration to promote a sense of community spirit.

Deepavali Celebration and friends at ISKL

You have been at ISKL for many years and have seen many changes. What do you think are the most significant ones you’ve witnessed?

ISKL has always felt like a second home to me. Over the years, I have seen six different heads of school and since joining ISKL in 1989, I have witnessed the constant evolution of technology and its impact on our systems and processes, including the move toward paperless solutions. I have seen the transition from cyclostyle machines and typewriters to the advanced technology of today, which has transformed how we work and communicate.

The most significant change for me was the move from the Ampang campus, which I was so fond of and familiar with, to the new state-of-the-art campus in Ampang Hilir in 2018.

What is your most memorable moment so far at ISKL?

One of the most unforgettable moments of my career was the groundbreaking ceremony for our cutting-edge campus and the success of overcoming multiple obstacles to secure the license and permits to open the Ampang Hilir campus on schedule.

ISKL ground breaking ceremony

Can you tell us more about your hobbies and interests? What do you do after work?

My interests outside of ISKL is primarily in community engagement, particularly within my ethnic Malayalee community (one of the many Indian ethnic groups in Malaysia that hailed from Kerala, India). Our focus is on preserving the niche cultural and art forms, besides planning and coordinating cultural festivities, women’s programs, fundraising activities, and community service initiatives to aid and uplift the underprivileged. In short, I find fulfillment in contributing to society by engaging with and preserving the cultural heritage of my Malayalee community through various activities and programs.

Who or what inspires you?

My personal life experiences have been the most significant source of inspiration for my personal growth and development. I have learned a lot from my challenges and struggles and continue to strive to be a better version of myself.

In addition, successful women in leadership positions who have overcome adversity also inspire me greatly. Their stories of resilience and determination give me the courage to pursue my goals and set a positive example for my children and those around me.

What does “Know yourself, care for all and create a better world” mean to you?

It means that we should be self-aware and strive to improve ourselves continually. Additionally, we should extend our empathy to all beings, including humans (regardless of race or religion), animals, and the planet as a whole. By doing so, we can actively create a sustainable and peaceful environment that benefits everyone today and in the future.

Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always have an anecdote to tell, love to share some insights into their passions and interest, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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