Panthers of ISKL #161: Ryan & Ashvin

Panthers of ISKL Ryan & Ashvin

– The Creative Collaborators

Here we meet Ryan S.H. (‘28) and Ashvin T. (‘30) from Middle School (MS) and Elementary School (ES), respectively, who collaborated to create a stunning piece of artwork called “ISKL” which they have donated to the school. The artwork took them about a month to finish and is currently on display at the ES corridors along with other artwork created by Ashvin, who is holding a solo art exhibition.

Here is their story:


Ryan and Ashvin's masterpiece

Do tell us more about yourselves.

Ashvin: I am 12 years old, in Grade 5, and from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Ryan: I was born in Malaysia. I am 13 years old, and I am in Grade 7. I like cheesecake, chocolate cake, and also rice with beef.

Which grade did you join ISKL? How many years have you been here? Describe your hobbies.

Ashvin: I joined ISKL in Grade 3 and have been here for three years. My hobbies are drawing and dancing.

Ryan: I joined in Grade 3 and have been in ISKL for five years. I like to read books and watch movies on my iPad.

Please tell us about the art project that you did.

Ashvin: Ryan, Ms. Ranjali, Ms.Nessha, and I painted on a canvas. Then, I drew the ISKL building. The name of the painting is “ISKL,” and it took one month to finish. Yes, I love art and enjoy drawing.

Ryan:  We drew turtles, wau, panther paws, and ISKL buildings. It takes one month to finish the ISKL buildings.

What did you like most about doing the artwork? What about the painting are you most proud of?

Ashvin: I enjoyed using the roller to paint the canvas and am proud of drawing my school big-sized – I love ISKL.

Ryan: I like mixing the colors with my hands to do the ISKL building, and I am proud of my ISKL panther paw artwork.

Ryan & Ashvin Collage


Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always have an anecdote to tell, love to share some insights into their passions and interest, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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