Panthers of ISKL #174: Diana Malathi Anthonysamy

POISKL - Diana Malathi

– The Enthusiastic Panther

“I have worked here for almost 15 years alongside amazing principals and colleagues who constantly inspire me. ISKL has been a fantastic platform in my life as an educator and has given me a glimpse of how working in an international community feels.”

Originally from KL, we meet Diana, the ES Student Services Specialist, who’s been a staff member at ISKL for 15 years. Hailing from KL, Diana is a proud mom of one who loves watching movies and cooking various cuisines.

Here is Diana’s story:


Do tell us more about yourself.

I am originally from KL and was born and raised here. I have a relatively small family with my parents and younger sister and have been married for 21 years with a loving husband and one awesome son who is 19 years old.

A brief timeline of my life was that I went to Sekolah Kebangsaan Convent Peel Road for my Primary school and to Sekolah Menegah Convent Peel Road for my Secondary years. I continued my studies at Rima Secretarial College, earning a Diploma, and wanted to further my studies, but due to family commitments, I couldn’t.

POISKL-Diana & Family

When and why did you join ISKL?

I worked in many different sectors and finally fell in love with the education sector working in local schools and Sayfol International School. I started working at ISKL in 2009 as an Inclusion Assistant for parents at the old campus. Since then, I have worked here for almost 15 years alongside amazing principals and colleagues who constantly inspire me. ISKL has been a fantastic platform in my life as an educator and has given me a glimpse of how working in an international community feels.

What is your most memorable moment so far at ISKL?

My most memorable moment, which also was a sad moment, was when we moved out from our old campus to the new one. We had fun moments, such as packing up the whole school and saying goodbye.

Diana and her colleagues

Can you tell us about your job role – what are your daily activities?

In the beginning, I was hired as a Team Assistant in Grade 3, where I served for a year, and then the following year, I was promoted to SRT Instructional Assistant. Since we relocated to the new campus, my job title has changed to Student Services Specialist. In this role, I assist students who require additional learning support and help them address any behavioral concerns they may be facing. I also work with different types of Interventions that kids need to support their learning.

Can you tell us about anything exciting or interesting happening at ISKL that you’re a part of?

An exciting thing I am working on is running my intervention groups with students who need support with their learning. I also support the Elementary School (ES) Cultural Committee, a tradition we have continued in ISKL, e.g., the Hari Merdeka Assembly, Diwali, Hari Raya, Lunar New Year, and Christmas Around the World.

Can you tell us more about your hobbies and interests? What do you do after work?

My hobbies are simple. I love to watch movies and cook lots of different types of cuisines. Usually, my schedule after work is doing house chores, cooking, and taking a nap.

Who or what inspires you?

My inspiration is one of my old principals from the Melawati campus, Mr. Tony Harduar, and also another person that inspired me is Ms. Sumathy Kandiah, the ES Administrator, who has taught me how to be an enthusiastic and creative person.

What is the most challenging part of your job?

My job has always been fun with our wonderful students; there are not many challenging parts, but there are ups and downs, which I take positively, and I try and learn new things every day.

What does ISKL’s vision, “Know yourself, care for all and create a better world,” mean to you?

My passion has always been to educate children, be motivated by them, learn from them, and always have fun with them. I want to create a better environment, provide knowledge and be part of our children’s future.


Do you know of any student, teacher, parent, or staff who always have an anecdote to tell, love to share some insights into their passions and interest, or simply is a Panther through and through? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions here.

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