HoS News, September 26, 2023

Nick Haisman-Smith and Joe TchenSocial and Emotional Learning (SEL) is one of ISKL’s Strategic Objectives, and it was deeply rewarding to see our parent community keen to learn more about SEL competencies and how to enhance family communication at yesterday’s Communication and Conflict workshop (September 26) led by experts from the Institute for Social and Emotional Learning (IFSEL).

SEL describes the process of developing inter and intra-personal skills and learning to recognize, communicate, and regulate emotions, consider and care for others, make wise decisions, and act ethically. These skills are key to helping students successfully navigate their future and lead positive, fulfilling lives and we were delighted to share this learning with parents. If you missed the event, we will be uploading excerpts from the workshop on our YouTube channel in the coming weeks.

At ISKL, SEL is embedded within our curriculum, starting in Early Childhood when students learn to express their likes, dislikes, wants, and needs, and talk about their family, school, and selves. The program develops in age-appropriate complexity with students, for example, learning to identify their own perspectives, opinions, and beliefs, building to an understanding that their perspective is informed by cultural context and experiences and that others may perceive them in ways that may differ from the ways they see themselves. This develops self-understanding, self-management, and social awareness.

Nurturing a healthy and positive adult culture at school is paramount in developing these SEL competencies with our students. To ensure we continue to be leaders in this area, the IFSEL team has been leading professional learning workshops throughout the week for faculty and staff.

VOX ISKL September 26, 2023IFSEL will also lead sessions at Friday’s In-Service Day (September 29, no school for students) and we are looking forward to being united in a day of professional learning. The focus for the day is on deepening our understanding of our SEL Framework, further developing our practices for embedding SEL into instruction, student experiences, and operations, as well as reflecting on our own practices and how we can best model the behavior, attitudes, and values that we want to see in each other and our students.

Just as our role as educators is to provide students with the right conditions to foster curiosity and learning, it is equally important that we nurture our own curiosity and learning as a professional community. The In-service days scheduled each semester ensure that, regardless of whether we are in a teaching, administrative, or operational role, we continue to learn from the latest research, best practices, and global experts, so that we can provide the best possible learning experience for our students.

A reminder that in addition to our In-Service day on Friday (September 29), there is no school for students on Thursday (September 28) due to the public holiday. I wish our Muslim friends and families Salam Maulidur Rasul, and trust everyone has a relaxing extended weekend. We look forward to seeing our students at school on Monday (October 2) and hope that you and your family enjoy the extended weekend.

In partnership,

Rami Signature

Rami Madani
Head of School

Communication Updates

Latest update: October 26

  • Early Childhood, Life-Centered Education (LCE), Grade 10, 11 and 12
    On Campus Learning from October 25

  • Grade 1, 2, 3 and 9
    On Campus Learning from November 1

  • Grade 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
    On Campus Learning from November 8
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