Panthers Of ISKL #47 – Beatrice, Esther and Jiwon – The Artists With A Cause

Panthers of ISKL Beatrice, Esther and Jiwon

This week we meet up with Grade 11 students, Beatrice S., Esther L., and Jiwon L. – the executives of Creativity, Activity, Service (CAS) club ‘Art Studio: Smudgd!’

The three artistic students have spent their time finding ways to implement visual arts into their High School lives through their initiative, the ‘Smudgd Christmas Sticker Project’ last December -  and managed to sell over 300 stickers and raised above RM1000! The funds raised allowed them to purchase art materials as well as channel extra funds to a charity.Â

Here are their stories.

“We are Grade 11 students passionate about the arts, and we created ‘Art Studio: Smudgd,’ which began as a CAS Project but evolved to become a space for artists to come together to build a community and explore their talents, interests, or passion.

We then launched the ‘Smudgd Christmas Sticker Project’ within our Smudgd club to experience the process of designing marketable and saleable sticker products. The funds raised by the Christmas Sticker Project will be used to provide our members with the opportunities and materials to experiment and pursue their artistic desires.

Using the 12 designs from our members, we were able to sell over 300 stickers and raised above RM1000! The funds raised will allow us to purchase art materials for our members and extra funds to send to a charity.

From this experience, we were able to gain insight into the process professional artists and design companies go through in producing such merchandise.

Using technical skills such as digital programs to prepare our stickers for printing and organizing a group to work using a specific timeline and design using a particular theme were just some of the experiences we learned from this.

We also learned about design, production management, and shipping processes in this project, which allowed this project to be successful. As executive members, we also learned valuable leadership skills and methods to motivate our members to contribute to this cause.

We have members who are planning a career in the fine or applied arts and members for whom art is just a casual hobby. We focus on the artists’ individuality, nurturing each individual’s skill and repertoire through various projects, such as the ‘Christmas sticker project,’ and offering opportunities to try new mediums and styles.”

What does “Be All You Are” mean to you?

“We interpret “Be All You Are” as being able to express, explore, and embrace different aspects of yourself, using various methods to communicate – one of these methods being the universal language of art!”

Do you know a student, faculty, staff, or alumni with a story to tell? Nominate them to be featured in our Panthers of ISKL stories by sending in your submissions to [email protected]!

To find out more inspiring stories of our students, read about Izzy’s artistic spirit or Vincent’s love for music here!


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