Reading Between the Lines…

students reading in the libraryAs we look forward to our holiday break, many of us will find ourselves with more time to read for pleasure. Whether a bestselling novel or graphic storybook, nonfiction or reference we will probably, at some point become lost between the pages. We will find ourselves conjuring up images in our mind of characters and scenes, becoming gripped by a plot twist or intrigued by new research. It is a wonderful opportunity to literally jump inside someone else’s head and discover their thoughts and feelings, or explore a fresh perspective on a topic. Just as immersing ourselves in a book can expand our imagination it also can broaden our vocabulary and interest in new areas. It encourages us to talk with others about what we have learned, share ideas, and debate concepts. In addition it is fun, it can reduce our stress levels, and contribute to our wellbeing.

So, whilst we relax with a book this holiday period, it is worth reflecting on the myriad of benefits that occur almost without us knowing as we read. We are being stimulated to think creatively, critically analyze plots and arguments, expand our learning, look from the perspective of others and enhance our communication skills. Sound familiar? I truly hope so because these important skills are embedded in our school-wide learning results which are fundamental to achieving our mission and vision. Reading is without doubt the greatest gift and skill we can share with our students.

We are enormously grateful for the role our librarians play in championing reading and sharing their love of books. They work hard so hard to ensure our libraries are hubs of learning within our community and have created an environment that is so much more than a transactional place to find a book to read. Our libraries are a gateway to an exciting world of knowledge, learning, and discovery, not just for our students but for our community as a whole.

With that in mind, I am looking forward to settling down during the break with Douglas Ota’s book, Safe Passage on the topic of how mobility affects people. I am excited to be exploring this highly relevant subject, and expanding my learning and thinking on how we support our families in transition.

Yours in collaboration and learning,

Rami Madani
Head of School

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