Redefining Community Partnership

Together, in partnership, we can achieve many things. So, keep up with your efforts to contribute to the local and global aims and communities to overcome this pandemic.
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This article has been slightly amended and was initially written by ISKL’s High School (HS) Service & Sustainability Team.

CULTURE-OF-CARE-AND-EMPATHYDoing what we enjoy has become a privilege that requires collaboration from every member of the group or community. Just as the RMCO requires every citizen and resident of Malaysia to comply with the appropriate SOPs for different events, venues, and purposes of activities, we, too, must do our part to comply with them. This fundamental duty and obligation is necessary for us to gain as much freedom as we can in the current situation.

Hence earlier this month, we were able to resume some of our co-curricular activities! This is a significant step forward during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO), which has been extended until 31 December 2020.

We need to participate in our favorite co-curricular activities by adhering to the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), such as physical distancing, wearing a face mask, hand washing, sanitizing the equipment we use, and so forth.

The High School Community Partnership clubs can still not meet with their partner communities as they did before, such as the refugee learning centers and other groups that used to visit us here on campus.

Using our own experience of Continuous Learning last semester and the ‘blended’ learning mode at the beginning of this semester, we can redefine what ‘community partnership’ could be. We can continue to reach out and support our partner communities through essential goods drives, helping with distance learning, checking in with each other via the appropriate social media, and so forth. This is where we need to work together to realize shared goals of flattening the COVID-19 curve, gaining as much freedom as possible to carry on with our enterprises.

Together, in partnership, we can achieve many things. So, keep up with your efforts to contribute to the local and global aims and communities to overcome this pandemic.

We can do this together!

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